Breakfast at Tiffany's [Open Rp]

May 25, 2010 13:00

((OOC: NSFW - China's mun puts forward a warning: There will be Smut! Crowd roars. I, personally, didn't see that coming. But come on, Kuronue is in it. Speaks for itself.))

It was eight in the morning and the air was crisp and cool. China was sitting at one of the room-length tables reading the Daily Prophet. Beside her was a plate with three ( Read more... )

kuronue, china sorrows, elim garak, rubeus hagrid, rp, alan grant

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Comments 98

prettypendulum May 25 2010, 05:12:49 UTC
Kuronue didn't eat all that often, thanks to a demonic metabolism and spending most of his time with Yukimura in his room and eating even if he didn't really feel like it anyway, but he occasionally wandered into the great Hall if he was bored or if he heard something interesting ( ... )


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 05:40:24 UTC
China's eyebrows rose in surprise. She closed the paper and folded it, placing it neatly beside the plate of toast. She smiled at him. 'Hello.'

She had been suppressing those thoughts, those memories. Certain things she didn't want to remember about the incident, however, the meeting of Kuronue was something she had tried to hold on to. She allowed herself to think of him as cute. The fangs however, set her teeth on edge. She hated vampires, of course she hadn't the knowing that he was simple demonic.

She took a sip of her tea. 'Can I offer you anything to have? There's some fragrant tea, scones and jam, toast, fruits, oatmeal, cereal?' She looked at the bat on his shoulder, a passing glance, but enough to give it a bad look. She hadn't anything serious against animals, but there was a shadow of a feeling that they were dirtyShe had previously had a run-in with a familiar, a brutish dog owned by Damien Thorn, she hoped Kuronue kinship with the animal didn't offer him the same advantages as Damien; as seeing through the bat's eyes ( ... )


prettypendulum May 25 2010, 05:53:00 UTC
Being a thief, he was quite attuned to catching small glimpses and reading body language. He didn't miss the hot look Miyako got. He frowned and reached up to scratch at her ears. "An apple for Miyako would be nice, she hasn't eaten anything today. She's my pet," he said smiling at China. He kept his lips closed this time. "Some people like cats or dogs but I find they just make my instinct go wild, I want to eat them." He chuckled.

"Demons and small creatures usually don't get a long but Miyako and I are so similar my instincts seem to leave me alone with her, thank the gods." He picked at one of her plates, making himself at home.


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 06:10:10 UTC
China flagged a house elf over and asked for some chopped fruits for Miyako. She had been paying attention, so when she turned she was about to nod and smile, but found herself catching Kuronue in the act of breaking crumbs away from her toast. She smacked his hand and tilted her head, daring him to challenge her. But she was clearly fighting a smirk, so it was all in good fun. She was in a happy mood this morning ( ... )


dangerous_pets May 25 2010, 05:40:33 UTC
Hagrid lumbered into the Great Hall, having tired of his own and Turlough's cooking. He hadn't been around much lately, tending as he did to his groundskeeper duties. So it wasn't surprising when he spotted the woman sitting alone and didn't recognize her. He did recognize the newspaper, though. Not that it was worth reading, most of the time, but it had been a while since he'd seen anyone *else* reading it.

"Dragon tournament, eh?" he rumbled by way of greeting, having caught a glimpse of what she was reading as he passed her. "Have yeh ever been ter one o' those? They can be great fun, if a wee bit bloody an' violent fer some tastes."


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 06:02:17 UTC
"I can't say I have," she smiled, finding this semi-giant adorable. "It certainly sounds entertaining. What with all the blood, I wouldn't know what to wear that wouldn't get ruined." She chuckled.


dangerous_pets May 25 2010, 06:51:01 UTC
"Least there's Scourgify," Hagrid said amiably. "Cleans up blood spatters quite nicely. An' yeh could always sit at the back o' the crowd, wi' one o' them omniocular thingies. Watch the spectacle that way an' yeh won't have ter worry about splatter." He extended a hand the size of a dinner plate. "Rubeus Hagrid. Groundskeeper."


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 07:14:17 UTC
China smiled and took his hand, "China Sorrows, Slytherin." She gestured to the table. "Would you like to join me for breakfast?"


tricky_tailor May 25 2010, 21:41:33 UTC
Sooner or later, the resident spy tailor of Slytherin would cross paths with the more fashionably dressed at Hogwarts. And Garak never gave the impression of a man who did anything on accident.

"Ah, one of the newer residents of the House, welcome. Would you mind if I joined you?" The Cardassian carried a plate piled high with a heavy Scotch breakfast. "The food here is quite remarkable."


chinasorrows May 26 2010, 09:19:38 UTC
China looked up from reading the Daily Prophet and blanched. The man looked absolutely ghastly. Though he brought memories of Ghastly Bespoke, one of Skulduggery's finer acquaintances, she didn't think his facial imperfections were scarred tissue, but, perhaps, common markings in his race. She very quickly composed herself, not wanting to offend, and smiled, gesturing to the seat across from her.

"Thank you. Please, go right ahead."

She took another sip of her tea, "Indeed it is. I was thoroughly and happily surprised to find they had Rose with French Vanilla flavoured tea. It's my favourite." She smiled as she took another sip, its fragrance entered her nose and the taste together made her blush.


tricky_tailor May 26 2010, 22:00:45 UTC
"I can only assume by your expression that I am the first Cardassian you have ever met," he said in a genial tone. "It has taken some time to become accustomed to the fact that so few humans are aware of the presence of aliens, especially now."

He sat down, preparing to dig into his large breakfast. "My name is Garak, and until recently I was on the station Deep Space Nine. I'm from the planet Cardassia."


chinasorrows May 27 2010, 06:13:34 UTC
Aliens? Huh.

China nodded. "It must show. I'm sorry, it's very rude to stare." Which seemed such a foreign statement to her. "Is it nice there? On Cardassia?"

Aliens.... who knew?


dinosaurman May 26 2010, 06:19:18 UTC
Alan Grant's day started when the sun was just thinking of poking over the horizon. Care of Magical Creatures came with duties outside of teaching, and he'd been up early cleaning out stalls and caring to animals on unusual feeding schedules. His reward for the labor was a hot shower and a hot breakfast.

"Good morning," Grant said absently to China as he sat down across from her. He didn't pay her much attention as he ate, but as a voracious reader himself he eventually ended up trying to surreptitiously read her paper. "I would think that what to wear to a dragon tournament would be self-evident. It needs to be able to get dirty and let you run quickly."


chinasorrows May 26 2010, 09:27:12 UTC
"Good morning," she replied, only sparingly lifting her gaze to acknowledge him, then continuing the article she was reading.

When Alan Grant commented on the Dragon tournament article, she gave him a proper look. He was a charming looking man, perhaps in his late thirties, early forties. Give or take a year. She smiled at him, "I thought the same; but even when one knows that flame retardant clothing is a must, a fashionista still needs to know what apparel is of the highest quality as to mare her social standing." She shrugged. "It's a woman thing."


dinosaurman May 26 2010, 13:02:20 UTC
Grant would have been flattered of China's assessment. He was only a few years off from sixty, a fact he tried hard not to think about. Only living in Scotland had spared him from receiving a flood of AARP junk mail.

"So my girlfriend tells me. We're had this discussion over watches and handbags." He couldn't understand why a person would need more than one, at least until the item broke and it was time to get a replacement. Grant was wearing a blue work shirt and pain khaki pants. It would be a safe bet that his closet was filled with almost identical items.


chinasorrows May 27 2010, 06:15:35 UTC
"And how did that discussion turn out?" She said, almost already knowing the answer and outcome.

She assumed his girlfriend had won the discussion, not matter how calmly it was discussed, or whether Alan Grant didn't know of his loss at the time. The girlfriend must have, it was nature.


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