Breakfast at Tiffany's [Open Rp]

May 25, 2010 13:00

((OOC: NSFW - China's mun puts forward a warning: There will be Smut! Crowd roars. I, personally, didn't see that coming. But come on, Kuronue is in it. Speaks for itself.))

It was eight in the morning and the air was crisp and cool. China was sitting at one of the room-length tables reading the Daily Prophet. Beside her was a plate with three ( Read more... )

kuronue, china sorrows, elim garak, rubeus hagrid, rp, alan grant

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prettypendulum May 25 2010, 05:12:49 UTC
Kuronue didn't eat all that often, thanks to a demonic metabolism and spending most of his time with Yukimura in his room and eating even if he didn't really feel like it anyway, but he occasionally wandered into the great Hall if he was bored or if he heard something interesting ( ... )


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 05:40:24 UTC
China's eyebrows rose in surprise. She closed the paper and folded it, placing it neatly beside the plate of toast. She smiled at him. 'Hello.'

She had been suppressing those thoughts, those memories. Certain things she didn't want to remember about the incident, however, the meeting of Kuronue was something she had tried to hold on to. She allowed herself to think of him as cute. The fangs however, set her teeth on edge. She hated vampires, of course she hadn't the knowing that he was simple demonic.

She took a sip of her tea. 'Can I offer you anything to have? There's some fragrant tea, scones and jam, toast, fruits, oatmeal, cereal?' She looked at the bat on his shoulder, a passing glance, but enough to give it a bad look. She hadn't anything serious against animals, but there was a shadow of a feeling that they were dirtyShe had previously had a run-in with a familiar, a brutish dog owned by Damien Thorn, she hoped Kuronue kinship with the animal didn't offer him the same advantages as Damien; as seeing through the bat's eyes ( ... )


prettypendulum May 25 2010, 05:53:00 UTC
Being a thief, he was quite attuned to catching small glimpses and reading body language. He didn't miss the hot look Miyako got. He frowned and reached up to scratch at her ears. "An apple for Miyako would be nice, she hasn't eaten anything today. She's my pet," he said smiling at China. He kept his lips closed this time. "Some people like cats or dogs but I find they just make my instinct go wild, I want to eat them." He chuckled.

"Demons and small creatures usually don't get a long but Miyako and I are so similar my instincts seem to leave me alone with her, thank the gods." He picked at one of her plates, making himself at home.


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 06:10:10 UTC
China flagged a house elf over and asked for some chopped fruits for Miyako. She had been paying attention, so when she turned she was about to nod and smile, but found herself catching Kuronue in the act of breaking crumbs away from her toast. She smacked his hand and tilted her head, daring him to challenge her. But she was clearly fighting a smirk, so it was all in good fun. She was in a happy mood this morning ( ... )


prettypendulum May 25 2010, 06:53:37 UTC
He shook his hand a little and chuckled, then sat them on the table again. Kuronue took the plate, st it befor him and held a small green grape up to Miyako, who took it between her wings and began to munch on it.

Kuronue's eyebrows rose, but then he grinned again, unable to help himself. "My apologies, China. You know what it's like to be in love, I assume. My mate, Yukimura, lives in Slytherin too..." He paused, thinking for a moment. "I would ask the elves to soundproof your room if I were you." His eyes twinkled with mischeif, he, having no intention of hiding just what he and Yukimura did, and when they did it.

One of his hands rose so that he could rest his chin on his palm, and he puposfully ran his smallest finger over his lower lip. He wondered if she would be interested in making noise with him. Not neccesarily in Slytherin, of course. The table here was fine too.


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 07:31:59 UTC
China lifted her teacup to her lips, her finger looped around the handle, and her other resting delicately against its side. She looked over the top, her pale eyes shimmering through the pink tea's steam. She smiled and it reached her eyes. She sipped.

After she put the cup down, she folded her arms in front of her and lent in. She was feeling playful now, Kuronue was... intriguing and she was always aware of a burning in her body when he was around--funny, because this was only their second meeting. She wasn't a romantic soul, she was all business, most of the time. Skulduggery was really the only relationship she had. There was a certain difficulty in having anything romantic or sexual when everyone simply fell in love with you at first sight, because of a charm that was burned into her skin and traveled in her blood.

She gave a sultry smile, her black hair slipping off her slender shoulder, shadowing her slim neck. "What if I don't want it soundproofed?" Her eyes sparkled with her playful insinuation. Her eyes roamed, leaving his ( ... )


prettypendulum May 25 2010, 07:46:35 UTC
He tilted his head, his smile widening. "Is that so, China?"

Out of curiosity he sniffed at the air, delicately, and couldn't quite smell anything. He tilted his head a little further and gazed at her curiously. Quite aware of her wandering eyes, he allowed his eyes to do the same. She was pretty, delicate. He had quite the fetish for pretty things, like geisha. China wasn't a geisha, but she had the fragility, the soft and beautiful body of a doll.

He rubbed at his mouth, thinking silently, looking at her from the corner of his eyes. "Would you like to be fucked, China? By me?"


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 07:55:19 UTC
Ok. Direct.

Her mouth was slightly open, a smirk still on her lips, but she was otherwise taken aback. She hadn't prepared herself for a blatant response like that. He surely didn't tap dance around the obvious flirtations. She had to be on the ball with this one.

She worked her astonishment into a humoured scoff. "Maybe," she allowed. "But at the rate you go through people, I wouldn't want to be another notch on your frequently laid bedpost. I know the affect I have on people, Kuronue, I can't expect your attractions to be genuine. I equally know my impression on people, it's not a likeable one, and I own that. So, my question is this. Why would you want to?"


prettypendulum May 25 2010, 08:05:38 UTC
He leant back a little.

Ah. She was one of those. Like Kayo, he thought. He got the vibe that she wanted a relationship which he did not. Even if he had, Yukimura probably would have disliked the thought. He did, after all, slightly dislike the idea of Sasuke and Yukimura getting together in a more serious kind of way ( ... )


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 08:14:49 UTC
China smiled. "Just like in my many hundreds alive, my intellect has not died, Kuronue. Stop trying to scare me off. I have been around the terrible, been entertained by worse." She liked how they had things in common, a genuine interest in the valuable. "There's no need. I'm not interested." She smiled and waved for a house elf to refill her cup. When it left she sipped her Rose and French Vanilla tea and licked her lips of its sweetness.

Her sex was heating up. She felt the familiar tightening of her cervix.

She crossed her legs and ignored it. She wasn't getting involved with Kuronue. Ever.


prettypendulum May 25 2010, 08:39:31 UTC
He narrowed his eyes at her. "That's a lie. You are interested. I can smell it." Well, he could now, at least. His cock hardened at the scent, and he swore internally. She smelt as sweet as she looked.

"I'm not interested in anything more than fucking," he said, shifting uncomfortably. "I don't want a serious relationship. And I sure as hell will not turn monogamous." He waved a hand. "Even if I did, Yukimura would probably have your ass for it." Sometimes Yukimura could be possessive too, perhaps not as much as Kuronue, to a point where it almost bordered on obsession, but it was there in him not liking other people leaving their marks on him, in the words that slipped out of his mouth when they fucked.


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 09:10:40 UTC
China lent back, placing her hands on her lap. Yes, she did want him. But she had control, and the thought of such intimacies with Kuronue were borderline disgusting. "I wouldn't ask any sort of relationship from you Kuronue, I promise you. You haven't the makings of anything long-term."

Ok, she hated saying that. He did save her after all. But it needed to be said, as bluntly as he had mentioned 'fucking' her. It would hopefully snap that log wedge in his mind that told him she wanted more.

Her sex tightened.

China smiled. "Besides, I wouldn't want to get in-between you and this, Yukimura, fellow." She was feeling uncomfortable in her pants. She didn't like this feeling. Maybe there was a spell or potion in a book in the library that could get rid of it. It made her feel vulnerable, a trait she on no account wanted to feel again.


prettypendulum May 25 2010, 09:57:05 UTC
His jaw worked as he chewed on his cheek, staring at her, thoughts whirling through his mind. Women were difficult. How did one who was attracted to him like she was, and he attracted to her, keep from this turning into something that happened again. And again and again and again. She was like the Kayo he could have, only Western and a different kind of delicate.

"I haven't," he agreed. He meant it. He didn't. At least not with her. With Yukimura, it was somehow different.

Still, looking at her as she was now, he wanted to dive across the table and fuck her into it.

He didn't think he'd ever talked to someone so much before fucking them.

He leaned forward and pulled his hat off his head, set it beside him on the table, shifted Miyako's platter of fruit to the side and scooped her up, set her down by it. Path cleared, at least. He looked up to her and smiled, just a little. "I will admit, China, I do find you...appealing, to say the least." Understatement. Her scent made his head reel.


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 10:07:26 UTC
China smiled.

"They all do."

God... she wanted to run her hands through his hair. Her finger twitched with the fantasy. She took in a deep breath and moved back somewhat, as if distancing herself from him.

She felt like one of those stupid girls in romantic films, the ones that find out some sort of crap about the leading man, then probe him with questions like, 'How do I know this is real?' and 'I can't trust that what I feel is true, or a product of the...' spell, potion, comedic situation that ends up biting everyone on the ass. She swore internally.

She knew he only found her 'appealing' because of one thing.


prettypendulum May 25 2010, 10:34:51 UTC
He shook his head. "It's not the thrall thing, or whatever mojo you have going on. I know what love is, I know how to hold yourself back from that. What I feel, what attraction I have, is not instant love or adoration. It's physical attraction, China. Pure and simple. Now, is this going to turn into a problem for the both of us?"

He tensed, his muscles coiling tight, just in case she said that, no, there wouldn't be a problem. He'd leap over the table and take her right here, damn it. He almost ached he wanted her, on impulse, right now. And, if not her, then someone/.


chinasorrows May 25 2010, 10:49:25 UTC
Her face was stone as she picked up her tea to sip it. She needed the liquid to moisten her tongue, for it had gone dry with his words. Her sex tightened, and to his words, struck a match and danced around the camp-fire. She felt uncomfortable in her clothes. China sighed, trying to smile but missing the mark some.

"I really don't think it wise," she said. Her no ricocheted in her mind.

God only knew she needed a good fuck, it had been years, seriously, hundreds or more. Being in the Great Hall for breakfast only festooned more logs to the fire between her legs, she had a thing for morning sex. China bit her lip, hoping her denial wasn't all that potent to his nose, and that her no was taken well. She didn't want it done in the Hall, she was a traditionalist in that regard. In a bed, or nothing.


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