Breakfast at Tiffany's [Open Rp]

May 25, 2010 13:00

((OOC: NSFW - China's mun puts forward a warning: There will be Smut! Crowd roars. I, personally, didn't see that coming. But come on, Kuronue is in it. Speaks for itself.))

It was eight in the morning and the air was crisp and cool. China was sitting at one of the room-length tables reading the Daily Prophet. Beside her was a plate with three ( Read more... )

kuronue, china sorrows, elim garak, rubeus hagrid, rp, alan grant

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dinosaurman May 26 2010, 06:19:18 UTC
Alan Grant's day started when the sun was just thinking of poking over the horizon. Care of Magical Creatures came with duties outside of teaching, and he'd been up early cleaning out stalls and caring to animals on unusual feeding schedules. His reward for the labor was a hot shower and a hot breakfast.

"Good morning," Grant said absently to China as he sat down across from her. He didn't pay her much attention as he ate, but as a voracious reader himself he eventually ended up trying to surreptitiously read her paper. "I would think that what to wear to a dragon tournament would be self-evident. It needs to be able to get dirty and let you run quickly."


chinasorrows May 26 2010, 09:27:12 UTC
"Good morning," she replied, only sparingly lifting her gaze to acknowledge him, then continuing the article she was reading.

When Alan Grant commented on the Dragon tournament article, she gave him a proper look. He was a charming looking man, perhaps in his late thirties, early forties. Give or take a year. She smiled at him, "I thought the same; but even when one knows that flame retardant clothing is a must, a fashionista still needs to know what apparel is of the highest quality as to mare her social standing." She shrugged. "It's a woman thing."


dinosaurman May 26 2010, 13:02:20 UTC
Grant would have been flattered of China's assessment. He was only a few years off from sixty, a fact he tried hard not to think about. Only living in Scotland had spared him from receiving a flood of AARP junk mail.

"So my girlfriend tells me. We're had this discussion over watches and handbags." He couldn't understand why a person would need more than one, at least until the item broke and it was time to get a replacement. Grant was wearing a blue work shirt and pain khaki pants. It would be a safe bet that his closet was filled with almost identical items.


chinasorrows May 27 2010, 06:15:35 UTC
"And how did that discussion turn out?" She said, almost already knowing the answer and outcome.

She assumed his girlfriend had won the discussion, not matter how calmly it was discussed, or whether Alan Grant didn't know of his loss at the time. The girlfriend must have, it was nature.


dinosaurman May 27 2010, 06:29:49 UTC
"She has her things and I have my things. I don't really need to know why the clothes are so important. I only have to know that they are and respect that." If Laura took to wearing plastic trash bags and was happy with it, he'd compliment her on the garbage sacks until the cows came home.


chinasorrows May 27 2010, 06:34:28 UTC
"You're a wise man, sir. More men should be like you," she waved a manicured finger at him, as if pointing the part in his molecular structure that needed to be duplicate, and inserted into every man in the world herein.


dinosaurman May 27 2010, 06:40:14 UTC
"I don't know about that." Grant tried to read some of the article. "So what should the well-dressed dragon spectator be wearing? I teach the Care of Magical Creatures class. I'd hate to be unaware of these things." He was obviously kidding.


chinasorrows May 28 2010, 13:04:25 UTC
She was attuned to mockery, its many tones both negative and positive were of no care to her. "I shouldn't need to say, but obviously it'll need to be flame retardant. But it also needs to be elegant enough so it doesn't make the body look as if you're smuggling grapefruit's. Fur trimmings are making a come back, and Byzantium is this seasons colour."


dinosaurman May 31 2010, 07:58:23 UTC
"I'm sure more than one student will turn up in something like that." That wasn't mockery. Grant would have to be completely oblivious to not notice that there were several flashy and trendy people running around the school. Some of whom actually attended classes.

"Anyway, do you have any interest in dragons in particular?"


chinasorrows May 31 2010, 08:49:14 UTC
China chuckled. "Yes, indeed."

"Dragons? No, I couldn't say I do. Reptiles," she shuddered. "they're not my cup of tea, unfortunately. Though I do entertain the thought of them, and even perhaps riding one, I couldn't say they're my favourite mythological creature." She smiled warmly, sipping her tea.


dinosaurman May 31 2010, 09:24:47 UTC
Grant smiled slightly in return. "That's a sentiment that will probably serve you well in life. Giant reptiles are generally bad news all around." He turned his attention to his eggs for a minute, eating a few more bites before they got cold.

"So what is your favorite creature?"


chinasorrows May 31 2010, 09:38:29 UTC
"Hm.." China went silent. "Do you mean a mundane or mythological?"

She didn't wait for an answer.

"Of my world my favourite animal is a tie between the Ocelot and the Peacock. Mythologically speaking, I rather enjoyed the look of the Siren."

She smiled and waved her hand, "But truly, there is many beautiful animals out there, mythological and mundane alike. It's surprising at how hard it is to choose simply one, or so, on the spot. What of you sir, what is your favourite animal?"

She had just realised she hadn't gotten his name.


dinosaurman May 31 2010, 09:58:00 UTC
"A Siren is an interesting choice. I think that would cross the line between a creature and a sentient being. There seems to be some issues about deciding what is what." He thought some nasty things about the Beast and Being divisions at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, but kept those thoughts to himself.

He thought about her question. "For mundane, probably a triceratops." Not that you saw many of those anymore. "I don't think I have a favorite magical creature, but out of the ones in the barn right now, the nifflers are giving me the least trouble, so I suppose that puts them at the top of the list."

"Your world seems to have the same names for animals that mine does, Ms. ...?"


chinasorrows May 31 2010, 10:04:14 UTC
China smiled. She also liked the Siren because of the similarities, in mythic tales, that she shared with the creature. She didn't explain this, however.

"It does, doesn't it? Perhaps we are from the same realm?" China chuckled, maybe he was on the same wave-length as she. "China. China Sorrows, Slytherin House." She extended a hand for a shake.


dinosaurman May 31 2010, 10:09:47 UTC
He shook it. "Dr. Grant." Grant usually did not give out his first name, as that might give some people the mistaken impression that they could call him by it. Only two people at Hogwarts called him Alan, one being his girlfriend and the other being the ex that had ended up here.

"I doubt it, unless cloned dinosaurs are not unheard of where you come from."


chinasorrows May 31 2010, 10:12:46 UTC
"A pleasure Mr. Grant." She intentionally dropped the Doctorate. She was all for formalities, but she despised titles that would otherwise paint her in a lower class.

"Ah, well." She chuckled. "No, I can't say we do then. I don't believe my realm has gotten that technologically advanced." She smiled genially.


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