Pickles (the drummer) (doodily doo ding dong doodily doodily doo) ; Metalocalypse

Feb 11, 2007 11:25

((Okay'd by zee Dethklok muns!))

Definitely not as cool as Mordhaus. But hey. Any kind of castle's pretty brutal.

What looks like just about the only man to be able to be just about totally Irish and pull off a dreadlock'd comb-over suddenly appeared in the middle of the sorting room, giant cloud of TOTALLY METAL smoke wafting out through the ( Read more... )

pickles, application

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Comments 142

secondfastest February 11 2007, 17:23:35 UTC
"Pickle! You here!"


doodily_doo February 11 2007, 17:26:30 UTC
Pickles was pretty sure that he'd never been so happy to see Toki. ...No, seriously. Ever. "Toki, man, this's where you disap... disc... went off to? Dude, you're in a castle. That's pretty, uh. That's pretty metal."


secondfastest February 11 2007, 17:31:05 UTC
"Yeah, it is! We got zombies and crap, and they votes me perfect in Hufflepuffs! Oh, and Nathan and Skwisgaar are around here somewheres, too. And I has a girlfriend!"


doodily_doo February 11 2007, 17:36:57 UTC
"Hey, man, whoa! Zombies!" This place was definitely brutal! Zombies! "Hufflepuff? That place sounds like some retarded little kid kinda... went and puked on it or somethin'. Puff ain't such a metal word, man, you know?"

Beat. "Perfect? How're yeh perfect if Skwisgaar's here too? You're not'z fast as him, dude." Only half perfect, really. ...But maybe he was just jealous. Hey, he wanted to be voted perfect.

"Girlfriend? Is she, uh. You know. She hot?"


twoyearsmissing February 11 2007, 18:09:21 UTC
"Your bribe sucks." The small kid stated then asked. "What's a douchebag?" Jack blinked up with an innocent expression.


doodily_doo February 11 2007, 18:13:29 UTC
...Who the hell was this kid?

"Hey, man, my bribe doesn't suck, man, you're just jealous cuz you're not rich'n famous like me," he comments back, pointing the vodka bottle at him. "And-and, I mean, a douchebag is you. And. Sorry about that, dude, I'm kinda low on blood sugar." He coughs once, lets his arms fall to his sides. "A douchebag's like uh. Like a bad... thing. Like. You know. A douchebag."


twoyearsmissing February 11 2007, 18:31:14 UTC
It seemed a little wierd saying he was a former conman so settled on changing it slightly.

"My daddy's a famous conman, we have a fortune, the other's a doctor." He pulled a couple of pixie stix out of a pocket. "You want one?" He offered one out to him.


doodily_doo February 11 2007, 22:11:19 UTC
And... what the hell did that have to do with anything? Pickles didn't know. He was a little too drunk to care. ...Oh well. "Hey, man, sugar. Nice. Sure, dude, but, I mean, I ain't got nothin' to be givin' back to yeh."


daxtastic February 11 2007, 19:11:40 UTC
Another one?

"What is it with you people and 'Dildos'?"


doodily_doo February 11 2007, 22:13:08 UTC
Pickles frowned, indignantly. "Hey, uh. You got some kinda problem with 'dildos'? Cuz, I mean. Ain't nothin' wrong with it. And, I mean. You're just. Yeah, you're dildos."

He paused a beat, and frowned. "Yeah, uh, I mean, that was kinda mean. I'm hungry."


daxtastic February 11 2007, 22:26:33 UTC
"Not the reproductive organ itself so much as your band's preoccupation with it."

"Well, the sooner you're sorted, the sooner you can eat. And the sooner you can find some pants, I hope. What house do you see yourself in?"


doodily_doo February 12 2007, 01:14:14 UTC
"Repro... ree-pah-whozawhatsit?" Wait. Isn't that what a dick is? Pickles looked down at his underwear, and pointed the bottle to the woman with a frown. "Man, you... Yeah, uh. I think you're, uh. I mean, seriously, what the fuck kinda dildos're you usin'? Cuz, uh. Yeah. Not."

But, hmm. Eating sounds good. And maybe pants. ...No, it's more fun without pants, but that's beside the point. "Man, I think 'bout everyone's in that, uh. That Puff place, yeah? So. Sounds pretty metal."


carri3_whit3 February 11 2007, 19:33:01 UTC
Arrgghhh. Money. An' lots of it. Please.


doodily_doo February 11 2007, 22:14:40 UTC
"Hey, uh. Money, I mean. That's awesome. Bribes!" Pickles vaguely pats down his body and... pulls out his checkbook. And it probably wasn't a great idea to ask where he'd just gotten that from. "So, uh. How much are we talkin' here, ah?"


carri3_whit3 February 12 2007, 00:19:57 UTC
*rubs her temples*

Seventy-five hundred. Dollars. Made out to Carrie White, please.


doodily_doo February 12 2007, 01:17:36 UTC
Pssssh. Seventy-five hundred's nothing when you're a billionaire. Or... at least were the last time you checked. Still. Pretty forward. Pickles scrawled out something that seemed barely legible to the untrained eye (and you really... REALLY don't want to know where the pen came from) and handed it to Carrie, all business-like. Er. As business-like as a man in his tighty whities could manage. "There yeh go, huh?"


brutal_metal February 11 2007, 19:52:12 UTC
((*DIES SO MUCH* Oh my god, you are pure win. Shrieking with laughter at the first thing I read when I wake up is just... metal.))

If it was one thing that Nathan hadn't been doing around the castle, it was catching all the bugs he could and trying to breed them together to create a super race of bugs to become Dethklok's minions are take over the world. Of course he hadn't. Absolutely not. Turns out there's not much luck in breeding a cockroach and a mantis together.

And, Pickles in his tighty whities, clutching vodka? Totally a familiar sight. Passing by the Sorting Room with Hotdog in his typical place on Nathan's shoulder, he snorted. "Pickles, this place is turning into Mordhaus," he grunted, leaving that as his greeting.


doodily_doo February 11 2007, 22:17:06 UTC
((Totally metal! Thankies, hun, I'm glad I could amuse thee XD))

Dude. Superbug breeding was totally metal.

But, hey! Nathan! Toki hadn't been lying! "Hey, man, I mean, uh. You really ain't gonna want this place to be, uh. To be Mordhaus. Yeah, not anymore," he replied, almost sheepishly, and took a large swig of vodka. "Yeah, er, uh. Kinda just been me and, uh, Murderface and. It's... yeah, it's kinda trashed. And. ...Smells. Like him."


brutal_metal February 12 2007, 04:54:17 UTC
Having been on the receiving side of exactly what unwashed Murderface smelled like, especially while cooped up in the submarine recording DethWater, Nathan didn't look too pleased at the prospect of Hogwarts turning into Mordhaus. It definitely sounded like a bad idea. "Hm. How didn't you die? That'd kill anybody, uh, being... exposed to that."


doodily_doo February 12 2007, 09:23:46 UTC
Except that submarine... smelled exactly like how Mordhaus did now. And. It was definitely nauseating. "Yeah, I, uh. There may'a definitely been some barfin'. I didn't really even notice some'a the time. Mostly cuz. ...Well, I was kinda trashed. But, yeah, you could even smell it through that. Which is. ...Yeah, it's not awesome. At all."


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