Astronomy Class -- Week 2

Mar 14, 2006 17:57

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Familiar Faces', Throughout the week at night
Location: Astronomy Tower
Open To: Astronomy students
Currently Involving: Professor McGill, students (see roll call)
Penumbral! )

classroom-threads, week-002

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Comments 83

First Years mona_mcgill March 14 2006, 23:01:16 UTC
...enjoy the show!


Re: First Years niamh_gannon March 15 2006, 07:03:13 UTC
Niamh climbed hurriedly up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower. She was a bit out of breath once she reached the class, but she didn't slow down. She smiled to herself, Finally time for Astronomy! She was very excited to be studying this particular subject at Hogwarts because it was something both familiar and beloved. She'd always loved looking at the stars and her father had taught her plenty about them, since he made his living from the sea and knew the subject well.

Niamh grinned widely to Professor McGill and read the assignment on the board. She eagerly pulled out some parchment and her quill. She found a good place and settled in, waiting for the other students to arrive. This was one class she felt really comfortable in and felt she had a chance of doing well in. She just hoped the professor would take a liking to her, or at least not hate her.


Re: First Years madison_bauer March 19 2006, 06:16:23 UTC
After finally reaching the top of the Astronomy tower, Madison emerged and glancing around, noticed that every House appeared to be here. This was unusual for her, Slytherin being the only other house in her other classes. A smile spread across her face as she realized that her friend Niamh should be here! Walking in further, she scanned around the blue robes and finally landed on the fellow first year. "Mind if I join you?" She said softly as she stood looking at her.


Re: First Years niamh_gannon March 19 2006, 06:31:15 UTC
Niamh looked up and grinned at her friend Madison, "Sure! Have a seat!" She was in such a great mood already, but seeing her friend made the night even better. She'd been so caught up in the lesson, she hadn't remembered that all first years had this class together. Astronomy was definitely going to be her favorite class. "I'm so excited about Astronomy! It's one thing I knew about before coming to Hogwarts! How have your classes been this week?" She was in such a good mood that she was much more animated than she had been for the past week. She almost felt like her old self again.


Second Years mona_mcgill March 14 2006, 23:02:36 UTC the chapter in your text about lunar eclipses.


Re: Second Years jacimannix March 20 2006, 21:41:36 UTC
Jaci entered the class area quietly and found a seat, placing her school bag on the floor beside her. After reading the directions on the board, she leaned over and dug a sheet of parchment and a quill out of her bag. "Sketch five phases," she said softly under her breath and got to work. After only a few minutes of sketching, she paused, lifting her quill off of the parchment so it wouldn't smear, and opted for staring at the moon.


Re: Second Years bumble_bea March 22 2006, 01:30:32 UTC
Beatrice was, once again, completely late to class. "I don't know why we have to come all the way up here every time!" she groused to a fellow Hufflepuff as she slid into her seat, attempting to make excuses. "And not so late, either. Don't those professors know about growing bodies and proper sleep and all that rot?" She continued to mutter as she set her fancy notebook onto her desk (the one with star and moon stickers on the cover) and then, after a quick glance at everyone else, she set out her quill set and stuck the end of her wand (not the end that does business, the grippy end - wouldn't want to accidently blow a hole in the desk!) into an empty inkwell.

"Professor McGill!" She suddenly raised her voice, after all that fiddling with her writing supplies, but didn't also raise her hand. "Whaddya mean phases? You mean what we see when there's an eclipse, or the phases of it during the whole month? Also, I forgot my textbook!"


Re: Second Years mona_mcgill March 22 2006, 01:52:43 UTC
Mona frowned slightly. Miss Rooks was both late to class and unprepared. Judging by the looks of her, however, Mona decided her student was simply having a bad day and let it go.

"Well, I don't have any extra texts. Perhaps one of your classmates will be willing to share with you? And by phases, I mean what you'll see during the eclipse." Mona answered. "There's no need to stay up here for an entire month." She added with a slight smile. "And do try to be prepared for class."


Third Years mona_mcgill March 14 2006, 23:05:10 UTC lunar eclipses if necessary. Explain the difference between a penumbral lunar eclipse and a total lunar eclipse.


Re: Third Years ealhughes March 14 2006, 23:34:37 UTC
Esrielle climbed the tower steps wearily dragging her bag behind her. Anyone could see she was not quite herself. She quickly checked the assignment and sighed and then got to work, pulling out parchment, ink and quill ( ... )


Re: Third Years mason_g March 18 2006, 02:19:18 UTC
Mason had noticed Es sitting over there, but had decided to finish his work first. After he was done, he walked over.

"The sky is beuatiful, isn't it, Es?"


Re: Third Years ealhughes March 18 2006, 04:08:12 UTC
"Huh," Esrielle jumped startles out of her reverie. "Oh hi Mason. I didn't notice you were here. Yes, the sky is beautiful and I love how the moon makes everything look different. But sometimes, I wonder what secrets the night holds. So many things we can't see or don't want too. Anyway, how are you doing? Up for a game of Wizard Chess later? I borrowed a book from the library and have been studying up on the moves."


Fourth Years mona_mcgill March 14 2006, 23:05:21 UTC lunar eclipses if necessary. Explain the relative positions of the Moon and the Sun with respect to the Earth in each of the phases.


Re: Fourth Years mila_grinadine March 20 2006, 20:14:54 UTC
Mila was very excited for Astronomy class this term, running up the stairs to the tower, she over in her head all that was going to happen.

She got to the classroom and looked at the board, her smile faded, review lunar eclipses? And skect the changes? Sitting down she pulled out her book and reviewed, a tad depressed now, she had planned on just watching the eclipse, not actually doing anything. She was starting to be angry at a 7th year Puff when she was a 1st year, who had told her that Astronomy was a cake-class.


Re: Fourth Years alexharbridge March 21 2006, 00:44:33 UTC
Alex walked into the classroom, hoping the lesson would at least be interesting enough to keep her awake. She collapsed into a seat and looked at the chalkboard. Review lunar eclipses? How dull. Alex pulled out her textbook and began idly flipping through it. After a while she found the chapter on lunar eclipses and scribbled the pertinent iformation onto a piece of parchment. Finishing quickly, Alex slammed her book closed and leaned back in her seat to observe those around her. Now there was very little to prevent her from dozing off.


Re: Fourth Years averykellaway March 21 2006, 01:10:27 UTC
Walking through the door of the Astronomy Tower, Avery couldn't help by sigh contendtedly. The day had been tough, no doubt. Her classes were packed back to back, but she had enjoyed Muggle Studies like she always had, and even History of Magic was great, maybe because she had been quite prepared and the topic had intrigued her greatly.

Her eyes were drawn to the blond Slytherin girl already seated in the class, and she chose a seat towards the front. She hadn't been very close to her, and so didn't know what to expect. She scanned the assignment written on the board a couple of times, all the while planning on what she could discuss. She took out a parchment and quill and scribbled some notes before taking her textbook out.


Fifth Years mona_mcgill March 14 2006, 23:12:47 UTC lunar eclipses if necessary. Measure the right ascension and declination for the following points: Moon entering penumbra, Middle of eclipse, and moon leaving penumbra.


Re: Fifth Years letty_lycroft March 15 2006, 21:04:41 UTC
Letty was in a bad mood. OWL year was hard. She felt like she hadn't talked to any of her friends in ages. She was depressed and frustrated and really really didn't feel like trapising up to the Astronomy Tower at 11pm.

She sighed as she sat down at the nearest empty seat. No one she knew appeared to have arrived yet. She chewed her thumbnail as she looked at the instructions on the board. She pulled out her parchment, quill, astronomy book and her battered and greasy-lensed telescope. She fiddled with her telescope for a while until she could see the, rather smudged, image of the moon entering penumbra.

She paused with her quil over her parchement before she began to sketch, she didn't like drawing. She put up her hand.

"Uh... Professor... for the sketches... how much will you be marking us on our artistic skills...?" Letty bit her lip[ and waited for a response.


Re: Fifth Years emiliahawthorn March 15 2006, 22:19:02 UTC
Emilia, for once, was in a very good mood. Although Astronomy was certainly not her favourite subject, she'd learnt early on that she could do well enough without any actual work and fully intended to continue in this vein.

After reading the assignment she arranged her parchment, quill and telescope so that it at least looked like she was hard at work, before letting her eyes glaze over with boredom. Her mind wandered first to the letter she had received from home, then to a particular Ravenclaw, and then to nothing in particular. Astronomy class forgotten already, she easily drifted into peaceful daydream.


Re: Fifth Years letty_lycroft March 16 2006, 23:21:49 UTC
While Letty was waiting for a response from the Professor she looked over at Emilia. She seemed to be dayreaming. It made Letty a little angry that Emillia could get away with just day dreaming and not doing any work. Letty wasn't exactly stupid herself, but she still had to work very hard to get by at Hogwarts. How did Emilia get away with doing nothing? Letty gritted her teeth.

((OOC: I can't figure out if I'm actually in the same class as Emilia right now so I hope this post is ok. I know Puffs usually have lessons with claws, but he time table says all 5th years have astronomy now, so I figure we'd all be in the smae lesson...right...?))


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