Astronomy Class -- Week 2

Mar 14, 2006 17:57

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Familiar Faces', Throughout the week at night
Location: Astronomy Tower
Open To: Astronomy students
Currently Involving: Professor McGill, students (see roll call)
Penumbral! )

classroom-threads, week-002

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Fifth Years mona_mcgill March 14 2006, 23:12:47 UTC lunar eclipses if necessary. Measure the right ascension and declination for the following points: Moon entering penumbra, Middle of eclipse, and moon leaving penumbra.


Re: Fifth Years letty_lycroft March 15 2006, 21:04:41 UTC
Letty was in a bad mood. OWL year was hard. She felt like she hadn't talked to any of her friends in ages. She was depressed and frustrated and really really didn't feel like trapising up to the Astronomy Tower at 11pm.

She sighed as she sat down at the nearest empty seat. No one she knew appeared to have arrived yet. She chewed her thumbnail as she looked at the instructions on the board. She pulled out her parchment, quill, astronomy book and her battered and greasy-lensed telescope. She fiddled with her telescope for a while until she could see the, rather smudged, image of the moon entering penumbra.

She paused with her quil over her parchement before she began to sketch, she didn't like drawing. She put up her hand.

"Uh... Professor... for the sketches... how much will you be marking us on our artistic skills...?" Letty bit her lip[ and waited for a response.


Re: Fifth Years emiliahawthorn March 15 2006, 22:19:02 UTC
Emilia, for once, was in a very good mood. Although Astronomy was certainly not her favourite subject, she'd learnt early on that she could do well enough without any actual work and fully intended to continue in this vein.

After reading the assignment she arranged her parchment, quill and telescope so that it at least looked like she was hard at work, before letting her eyes glaze over with boredom. Her mind wandered first to the letter she had received from home, then to a particular Ravenclaw, and then to nothing in particular. Astronomy class forgotten already, she easily drifted into peaceful daydream.


Re: Fifth Years letty_lycroft March 16 2006, 23:21:49 UTC
While Letty was waiting for a response from the Professor she looked over at Emilia. She seemed to be dayreaming. It made Letty a little angry that Emillia could get away with just day dreaming and not doing any work. Letty wasn't exactly stupid herself, but she still had to work very hard to get by at Hogwarts. How did Emilia get away with doing nothing? Letty gritted her teeth.

((OOC: I can't figure out if I'm actually in the same class as Emilia right now so I hope this post is ok. I know Puffs usually have lessons with claws, but he time table says all 5th years have astronomy now, so I figure we'd all be in the smae lesson...right...?))


Re: Fifth Years mona_mcgill March 17 2006, 19:31:04 UTC
Mona jolted out of her reverie when she realized one of her students had a question.

"Just try your best," she said. "Try to sketch in some of the maria if possible, but you should basically be focusing on the darkening of the moon."

((OOC: I think so. I think instead of Tuesday night, I'm going to change the post to throughout the week and pretend a lunar eclipse lasts that long :D))


Re: Fifth Years letty_lycroft March 19 2006, 21:15:37 UTC
Letty sighed. She wasn't very artsy, this is where she could really do with her brother Dylan, she was great at drawing and designing things. All of a sudden, she really, really missed him.

Letty chewed on her thumbnail for a few moments while she stared through her telelscope at the greasy looking moon. Then she looked over at Emilia, who still appeared to be daydreaming, although Letty mused, you could never tell with Emilia. After avoiding the task for a couple of minuted she pulled some parchment towards her and began cautiously sketching.


Re: Fifth Years emiliahawthorn March 20 2006, 12:30:59 UTC
Emilia had been on the verge of falling asleep when the sound of Professor McGill's voice disturbed her. Yawning, she stretched her shoulders back and shook her head slightly, as if trying to shake away all ideas of sleep.

Searching once more for distractions, she glanced about the room. Conversation was definitely not an option for, aside from the Professor, her only companion was Letty. Emilia's upper lip curled slightly as she watched Letty concentrate on her sketches.

"That girl," she murmured to herself, "is insufferable."


Re: Fifth Years erikcohen March 21 2006, 02:10:34 UTC
Erik ran up the steps to the astronomy tower as quickly as he could.

'A nap? More like a coma!' Erik mentally scolded himself and took deep breaths. He entered the classroom to find Letty and Emilia already seated. Normally, Letty wouldn't be in class with them, but there was an eclipse that night and everyone was supposed to see it. He was thankful for that, as he didn't have to pair up with a Slytherin witch, of every sense of the word.

"Sorry I'm late Professor!" Erik said as he passed by, and took a seat beside Letty.

"Oh dear, Emilia. Is that a sneer? That's so unusual for you! Did something happen?" Erik asked sarcastically as he noticed the other girl, and smiled as he took out what he needed for the class.


Re: Fifth Years letty_lycroft March 21 2006, 23:27:07 UTC
"Yeh imagine her royal highness over there being in a bad mood..." said Letty sarcastically.

She took another peek in her telescope but it was no use, the lens was far too scratched and smeared for her to pick out any detail. She started doodling on the edge of her parchment and chatted to Erik.

"What's up then, why are you so late?"


Re: Fifth Years emiliahawthorn March 22 2006, 10:03:15 UTC
Emilia paid the pair little attention. She had already returned to her telescope and was studying the night sky. Anyone passing would no doubt have thought her an excellent student but she was merely searching for another distraction. After several minutes of this, she gave up. Reaching into her bag she took out her well thumbed copy of 'Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed' and began to read, a strange expression of devotion and determination on her face.


Re: Fifth Years erikcohen March 22 2006, 21:30:24 UTC
"Well, I was feeling pretty tired after a long morning. I decided to take a nap, but the nap turned into sleep, and I woke up in a panic. I grabbed all my things and paid my respects to Gregorious, then took off like lightning to get her," Erik answered Letty as he carefully pulled his things out of his bag.

He had considered giving her a truly Erik-like response about first years in danger and his unwavering courage to save them, but he was still too sleepy to bother. His hair was an absolute mess, falling in all directions. He could have spent time on making himself more presentable, but it just wasn't worth it to him. He had thrown his cloak over his robes and completely forgot about making sure his clothes weren't wrinkled too badly.

He sighed and looked over at the title of Emilia's book, rolling his eyes. Without noticing, he continued to stare at her as he remembered the time he had picked up what he thought might be a romance novel, but ended up being a book about dark magic and torture tactics. It wasn't a woman in a ( ... )


Re: Fifth Years letty_lycroft March 22 2006, 23:22:52 UTC
Letty scratched her head and looked up 'penumbra' in the index of her astronomy text book for some inspiration. She pulled her fringe out of her face and rubbed her eyes. Erik talking about lseep made her realise just how tired she was.

She stared intently at the page of her book, but the words blurred and swam in front of her eyes. It was only Erik beginning to lugh to himself that snapped her out of it.

"What's so funny Erik?" she asked.


Re: Fifth Years emiliahawthorn March 23 2006, 20:20:06 UTC
Completely engrossed in her book, Emilia failed to notice Erik staring at her. Had she done so, her wand would have been out within seconds and the boy would have been left much worse for wear. Luckily for Erik, the girl's attention was completely focused on learning new hexes and she muttered the incantations under her breath, trying to commit them to memory. As she tripped over one particular word for the third time in a row, she frowned slightly and, for a moment, it looked as if she might lose her temper. Only just managing to to contain it, she tried once more and continued her barely audible muttering, completely oblivious to Letty and Erik's conversation.


Re: Fifth Years erikcohen March 23 2006, 22:57:33 UTC
Erik grimaced as Letty spoke to him and made him realise he was staring at Emilia of all people. Relief became noticeable on his face as he turned to face Letty.

"Just a memory, is all. I'd rather not share, as it makes me look like an idiot, and you already have enough material on me for that sort of thing," he said with a laugh and started repeating "penumbra" over and over again in the back of his mind. What an insane word.

"Oho! Tota noin.. Eihän se vaa ollu' sun ajokoira?" Erik mumbled to himself and laughed. He was feeling a bit loopy. Maybe it was the sleepiness acting up.


Re: Fifth Years letty_lycroft March 24 2006, 16:17:07 UTC
"I really wish you wouldn't do that," Letty said to Erik, "it does make me really paranoid when I ain't got a clue what you're on about!" she smiled.

"Seriously though, you're acting very weord today mate... You sure the wicked witch of the east over there hasn't got some kind of spell on you?..." she did a silly cackle pretending to be a typical muggle idea of a wicked witch. But stopped just as she thought the Professor might hear.


Re: Fifth Years emiliahawthorn March 24 2006, 17:24:07 UTC
((feel free to skip Emilia for a bit seeing as she's probably going to read most of the lesson/til someone else turns up. I'll jump back in if need be/prompted.))


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