Astronomy Class -- Week 2

Mar 14, 2006 17:57

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Familiar Faces', Throughout the week at night
Location: Astronomy Tower
Open To: Astronomy students
Currently Involving: Professor McGill, students (see roll call)
Penumbral! )

classroom-threads, week-002

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First Years mona_mcgill March 14 2006, 23:01:16 UTC
...enjoy the show!


Re: First Years niamh_gannon March 15 2006, 07:03:13 UTC
Niamh climbed hurriedly up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower. She was a bit out of breath once she reached the class, but she didn't slow down. She smiled to herself, Finally time for Astronomy! She was very excited to be studying this particular subject at Hogwarts because it was something both familiar and beloved. She'd always loved looking at the stars and her father had taught her plenty about them, since he made his living from the sea and knew the subject well.

Niamh grinned widely to Professor McGill and read the assignment on the board. She eagerly pulled out some parchment and her quill. She found a good place and settled in, waiting for the other students to arrive. This was one class she felt really comfortable in and felt she had a chance of doing well in. She just hoped the professor would take a liking to her, or at least not hate her.


Re: First Years madison_bauer March 19 2006, 06:16:23 UTC
After finally reaching the top of the Astronomy tower, Madison emerged and glancing around, noticed that every House appeared to be here. This was unusual for her, Slytherin being the only other house in her other classes. A smile spread across her face as she realized that her friend Niamh should be here! Walking in further, she scanned around the blue robes and finally landed on the fellow first year. "Mind if I join you?" She said softly as she stood looking at her.


Re: First Years niamh_gannon March 19 2006, 06:31:15 UTC
Niamh looked up and grinned at her friend Madison, "Sure! Have a seat!" She was in such a great mood already, but seeing her friend made the night even better. She'd been so caught up in the lesson, she hadn't remembered that all first years had this class together. Astronomy was definitely going to be her favorite class. "I'm so excited about Astronomy! It's one thing I knew about before coming to Hogwarts! How have your classes been this week?" She was in such a good mood that she was much more animated than she had been for the past week. She almost felt like her old self again.


Re: First Years madison_bauer March 19 2006, 06:48:47 UTC
Madison gladly took a seat next to Niamh, setting her bookbag onto the floor beside her. Reading the board quickly, she smiled, anxious to see eclipse. Turning back to Niamh, she replied, "Absolutely! Something I'm not completely clueless on!" She let out a small laugh before continuing. "It's been going pretty well. Better than last week, that's for sure. Professor Snape continues to dislike me, however." She shrugged her shoulders lightly, not sure what to do about the situation. She really disliked going to Potions, but didn't want to dread over it tonight. This was Astronomy, a class she would surely enjoy! "How about yourself?" She asked her, with a smile.


Re: First Years niamh_gannon March 19 2006, 08:00:07 UTC
Niamh smiled at Madison, "Yes, Professor Snape is rather... difficult, isn't he? I think so far I've managed to avoid his notice, though. I was always decent in chemistry back home, and Potions isn't that different, really. Professor Faust, on the other hand..." she trailed off and grimaced, "Well, I don't like Defense much." Niamh shifted uncomfortably, not really wanting to recall that particular class just now. Turning the subject back to Astronomy, she said, her mouth spreading quickly into a grin, "But tonight is Astronomy! I've never seen this kind of eclipse before, have you? I'm really looking forward to it!"


Re: First Years madison_bauer March 20 2006, 22:07:55 UTC
Madison gave a smile back to Niamh, getting some parchment and a quill out according to the class assignment. She also didn't want to get into conversations about classes they don't prefer. "No, I haven't seen one like this. I never even heard of it until tonight!" She said happily. "But I do love astronomy as well. I've always enjoyed gazing up at the stars." And with that comment she looked up through the windows and out into the darkened sky. She missed sneaking out to her nearby park and laying on the grass, counting and looking for constellations.


Re: First Years niamh_gannon March 21 2006, 02:33:11 UTC
Smiling to Maddie, she bent over her parchment, preparing her sketches and said, "I've always loved the stars, too. They're so beautiful! My Da's a fisherman and he goes out to sea sometimes on his boat, so he has to use the stars for navigation. He's taught my brother and me about it ever since we were small." She glanced up at the sky, excited to see just what a penumbral lunar eclipse was and to start her sketches.


Re: First Years madison_bauer March 22 2006, 02:43:37 UTC
"They sure are beautiful." Madison agreed, looking up to the sky still, "They must be especially beautiful over the ocean!" She added, looking over to Niamh with a smile. She was surprised that she wasn't feeling more tired, seeing as it was already past 11PM. At least she did not have to worry about falling asleep in the class.


Re: First Years niamh_gannon March 23 2006, 21:26:29 UTC
Niamh nodded happily in agreement, but she continued to work on her first sketch as she talked, glancing from sky to parchment, grinning all the while, "They are! I love going out at night with Da. We don't get to often because it's no good trying to fish in the dark, mostly, but sometimes he takes us out just for fun during holidays. We have a grand time, Da and Bradan and me," she paused, a little homesick at the thought of her family, but it didn't last long as she turned back to her sketch.

She probably should have been feeling sleepy, but she was too excited about having a class she could do well in. Even though it was Friday night, she was happy to be in at least one class she could enjoy and do well in. It was a good way to finish out the week, even if all her other classes went horribly. Her good mood was apparent, as she couldn't stop smiling at everyone and everything around her.


Re: First Years madison_bauer March 27 2006, 22:25:19 UTC
"I would love to go out on the water! I've never been on anything larger than a lake." Madison said with a slight laugh. The two girls continued to chat for the next little while until Madison noticed something going on in the sky.

"Oh wow, look at that!" She said with surprise, pointing to the moon overhead. Quickly getting her quill, she started to sketch what she saw.

((Gah, I'm sorry! I'll just finish this thread up, if that's okay? I hate leaving them hanging XD))


Re: First Years niamh_gannon March 28 2006, 04:00:08 UTC
"It really is wonderful. Maybe over the holidays you could come and visit and we could take you," Niamh smiled, then turned back to her sketches, focusing very hard on it, but still continuing the conversation with her friend.

At Maddie's prompting, Niamh looked up and gasped. She rushed to start on her next sketch, glancing back up at the moon at intervals to make sure she was getting it right.

((It's all right by me. I don't much like having them hanging either. XD Sorry it took me so long to respond. We can wrap it up however you'd like.))


Re: First Years madison_bauer March 28 2006, 04:07:38 UTC
"Wow, do you really think I could come along??" Madison turned away from her sketch for a moment to smile brightly at Niamh. She loved the idea of gazing at the stars, especially over the vast ocean. "I'll definitely ask my parents about that soon!"

She then went back to her parchment, continuing to draw out the eclipse going on at the same time. She didn't think she was very good, but she tried her best to make it look close, and at the end of class, handed it in to the Professor.

"Well, I guess I'll head off to bed now! Have a good night, Niamh!" Madison smiled to the girl and gave a small wave as she collected her things and then headed down to the Common Room.

((Sorry again, got carried about with my new char *feels bad* XD Madison out.))


Re: First Years niamh_gannon March 28 2006, 04:32:38 UTC
"Of course!" Niamh grinned at her friend, rather happy with the idea herself, "We'd have to put up with Bradan being around, but that's not so hard, really."

Niamh was almost finished with her sketches, but she wasn't quite happy with them. She erased here and there, attempting to perfect them. When Madison stood up, finished, Niamh looked up to say goodnight, "All right. See you later, then. You have a good night, too."

Then she turned back to her sketches, rushing to finish them before the professor dismissed the class. They weren't as nice as she'd have liked them, but she was finally getting sleepy, so she decided they would have to do. She collected her things and then went to the professor to hand her sketches in. She smiled boldly, hoping that the professor would take a liking to her. Astronomy was easily her favorite class already. After handing the sketches in, she turned and headed back to Ravenclaw tower, quite ready for bed.

((It's all right. I'm sure I'll be the same way once I get mine. XD Niamh out, as well.))


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