Astronomy Class -- Week 2

Mar 14, 2006 17:57

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Familiar Faces', Throughout the week at night
Location: Astronomy Tower
Open To: Astronomy students
Currently Involving: Professor McGill, students (see roll call)
Penumbral! )

classroom-threads, week-002

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Second Years mona_mcgill March 14 2006, 23:02:36 UTC the chapter in your text about lunar eclipses.


Re: Second Years jacimannix March 20 2006, 21:41:36 UTC
Jaci entered the class area quietly and found a seat, placing her school bag on the floor beside her. After reading the directions on the board, she leaned over and dug a sheet of parchment and a quill out of her bag. "Sketch five phases," she said softly under her breath and got to work. After only a few minutes of sketching, she paused, lifting her quill off of the parchment so it wouldn't smear, and opted for staring at the moon.


Re: Second Years bumble_bea March 22 2006, 01:30:32 UTC
Beatrice was, once again, completely late to class. "I don't know why we have to come all the way up here every time!" she groused to a fellow Hufflepuff as she slid into her seat, attempting to make excuses. "And not so late, either. Don't those professors know about growing bodies and proper sleep and all that rot?" She continued to mutter as she set her fancy notebook onto her desk (the one with star and moon stickers on the cover) and then, after a quick glance at everyone else, she set out her quill set and stuck the end of her wand (not the end that does business, the grippy end - wouldn't want to accidently blow a hole in the desk!) into an empty inkwell.

"Professor McGill!" She suddenly raised her voice, after all that fiddling with her writing supplies, but didn't also raise her hand. "Whaddya mean phases? You mean what we see when there's an eclipse, or the phases of it during the whole month? Also, I forgot my textbook!"


Re: Second Years mona_mcgill March 22 2006, 01:52:43 UTC
Mona frowned slightly. Miss Rooks was both late to class and unprepared. Judging by the looks of her, however, Mona decided her student was simply having a bad day and let it go.

"Well, I don't have any extra texts. Perhaps one of your classmates will be willing to share with you? And by phases, I mean what you'll see during the eclipse." Mona answered. "There's no need to stay up here for an entire month." She added with a slight smile. "And do try to be prepared for class."


Re: Second Years jacimannix March 22 2006, 02:00:07 UTC
Jaci covered her mouth with her hand in order to surpress the giggle that bubbled up and leaned over in Bea's direction. "Move your desk by me, we can share," she mumbled, giving her a wink, "and I'll help you with the phases as well, if you need." She nodded her head just a tad, urging Bea to scoot.

After glancing down at the desk that only held her parchment and quill, she leaned over and pulled the astronomy text out of her bag and dropped it on her desk with a quiet 'thump'.


Re: Second Years bumble_bea March 25 2006, 05:17:55 UTC
Beatrice glanced around, shrugged, and rose slightly to drag her desk towards Jaci's. It screeched rather loudly - probably not a good thing - and she promptly turned a lovely shade of crimson. "I totally forgot tonight was astronomy night." She whispered as she resettled her quill and inkwells. "I was trying to do extra credit for transfigs and fell asleep. Again." She wrinkled her nose expressively, then turned to her notebook and inks.

After a few quiet minutes of carefully sketching and labeling circles on the page (complete with little five-pointed stars instead of A's in the word "phase"), she poked her head up and whispered, "Does the penumbra come from the left or the right? Or is it from the top? I can't ever remember."


Re: Second Years jacimannix March 25 2006, 05:58:49 UTC
"Maybe you need one of those red ball things that I saw one of the kids have," Jaci whispered back after glancing to make sure the teacher wasn't watching. "He said it helps him remember stuff. I don't know how, but that's what he said." Her shoulders lifted just slightly, a small shrug, and bent forward over her parchment, quickly dragging her pencil along in some form of a circle.

"MM? What's that?" she looked up, head cocked a little to the side. "Oh, right. Um, no clue?" Her pencil was quickly slipped behind her right ear, for safekeeping, and she moved the textbook out from beneath her not-so-well-down drawing. "What's the book say?" Flip. Flip flip flip.


Re: Second Years bumble_bea March 25 2006, 06:30:57 UTC
Beatrice leaned towards another student's work to look, then turned back to Jaci, "You mean a remembrall? Yeah, I don't think it'd work for me!" She started pulling out red pencils of varying shades, all part of her lovely quill and pen set. "I'd probably forget it somewhere!"

She looked over at the boy's work again, then eyed Jaci's book, "I think it's from the left kind of. That's what his looks like. And the east is on the left, right? And that's where the moon and sun always rise at, right?" She starts shading in bits of moon with the red anyway. "This part is so boring, though. Does it say if there's anything special about it for magic stuff?"


Re: Second Years jacimannix March 25 2006, 06:44:33 UTC
"Left it is, then," Jaci agreed, but she shook her head a bit. "I just don't get why everyone makes us draw so much. I know what the moon looks like. What's the point?" The Ravenclaw pouted just a tad, but she continued looking in the book for the answers.

Several minutes later, Jaci was still pouring over the pages of the book that explained eclipses, and the end of her pencil had found its way into her mouth where she nibbled thoughtfully. "I don't see anything here about magical aspects," she conceeded, closing the book. "I guess it's just, um, pretty?"


Re: Second Years bumble_bea March 25 2006, 07:25:10 UTC
Beatrice finished shading the moons, then pulled out her quill and began adding more labels to her picture with careful precision. "I think drawing helps us remember it," she said while doing so. "We always had to draw maps and things in grammar school, too."

The drawing finished, she set it aside and looked over the book with Jaci. "Well, that's kind of silly, then. Maybe we're just doing this to have a break from hard stuff, like charms and transfigs. Or maybe we're reviewing junk?" She posited, then shrugged. "Anyway, I don't care, I'm going to take a nap. Poke me if Professor Bowen comes by?" Beatrice didn't even wait for Jaci's assent before folding her arms on the desk and resting her head on them. "Astronomy is always way too late. I wish we had a planetorium thing like at the science museums."


Re: Second Years jacimannix March 25 2006, 07:35:24 UTC
Jaci watched Bea as she finished filling in her sheet of sketches, comparing it, now and then, to her own. "I suppose," she muttered, turning her attention back to her work. Five sketches, lacking in artistry, were spread across her parchment. She finished filling in the required information, signed her name to the top of the paper, and slipped it back under her book.

Bea plopped her head down on her arms, and Jaci just shook her head, giggling a little bit. "You could try to hide it, couldn't you?" she whispered, flipping the book back open. A few adjustments on her desktop, searching for the right page, and Jaci was set. It didn't take long for her to get comfortable, her chin resting on the palm of her hand, her elbow on the desk to support it. She focused her eyes on the book before her, tilting her head so that her hair fell over her forehead, and closed her eyes. They could always do the reading over the weekend, after all.


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