2 fics, Challenge #34 + #50

Apr 13, 2011 09:54

Challenge #34: Correspondence
Title: Letters
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy
Summary: Some letters between the boys
Word Count: 319
Author’s Notes:Part 13 of my Stutter Series. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, and Part 12
Registered purchases?: Quill only

June 15

I can’t wait for you to get here! We’ve got some really great stuff planned and I know you’ll love it. Just two more weeks until you come!

I’ve missed you. The neighborhood kids just aren’t nearly as fun as you. And Lily keeps asking when you’re gonna get here. I think she’s got a crush on you. Everyone’s excited to have you come over and I just wish it was time already.

Write back and let me know how things are at the Manor.


June 18

It’s been miserable here without you. Mother and Father obviously don’t understand me and I just can’t get my point across. I’m tired of writing everything down for them. But mostly I’m tired of being alone. I miss Hogwarts and you so much. Can summer just be over already?

Two weeks seems like a lifetime to me. I wish I could manipulate time and speed through the next twelve days. I feel like I might loose my mind if I have to spend much more time hiding in my room.

Father even asked me to teach him our language. I was horrified. Doesn’t he understand?

Save me,

June 26

Sorry this reply took so long but I had to ask my dad for some help. We’ve worked it all out with your parents and you won’t be alone again once you get here in a few days. You’ll stay here for all of July and the I’ll stay at the Manor until we go back to Hogwarts.

I wish I’d known it would be so hard for you at home. We could have spent the entire holiday together. Just “speak up” next time and you’ll never have to be alone again. I promise.

See you very soon,

Challenge #50: Explosions
Title: Fireworks
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Lily Luna Potter
Summary: It’s lesson time...but it’s summer...?
Word Count: 281
Author’s Notes:Part 14 of my Stutter Series. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, and Part 13
Registered purchases?: Quill only

“Every summer Dad picks a country and we learn about some of their Muggle traditions,” Albus Severus Potter told his best friend as they sat outside with the rest of his family (except his dad) one warm evening, waiting for something to happen. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy looked at him with one eyebrow raised in a question. “I have no idea why,” Albus told him.

“Dad says it’s so we can travel without seeming weird,” Lily informed the two older boys. “He said something about not sticking out as much.”

“Yeah, well, I still think it’s all a bit odd,” Albus said, glaring at his sister slightly for butting into the conversation. Lily smiled back sweetly.

Scorpius nodded, oblivious to the tension between the siblings, and gestured for his best friend to go on. “Well, this year he chose the United States of America. We’ve already done a couple of things, like ‘Thanksgiving’ which is really just a reason to over eat if you ask me. And today, apparently, is their Independence Day,” Albus informed him. Scorpius still wasn’t sure why any of this mattered and why they were sitting outside. Albus didn’t continue so Scorpius gestured at him. Albus chuckled, “You’ll see.”

Just then a strange thing happened. There was a colorful explosion in the sky above the backyard of the house. Scorpius watched in awe as more of these explosions happened, in a variety of colors. “Oooh,” Lily gasped.

Scorpius watched the display for a moment before quickly catching Albus’s attention and gesturing. He turned back to the sky as Albus spoke, “They’re Fireworks. It’s how American Muggles celebrate the holiday.”

319/30 = 10.6
11+5 bonus = 16
281/30 = 9.4
9+5 bonus = 14
16+14 = 30

30 points for Hufflepuff!

Hanson Phreek // Hufflepuff

*challenge-034, character: scorpius malfoy, *challenge-050, era: next gen, character: albus severus, rating: g, character: lily luna potter, author: hanson_phreek

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