Merlin, Dollhouse, and Sparky the Great Slash Dragon

Sep 09, 2009 21:50

So, only eleven days until uni.
*screams in utter blind panic*
No, it's not quite that bad :) But what with all the packing and whatnot, plus the distinct lack of anything DW that isn't a spoiler and nothing new on the HP front, I have reverted to that time-honoured tradition: sinking into other fandoms and pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist. In theory. Namely, the aforementioned fandoms are currently Merlin (series 2 starts on saturday! whooo!) and Dollhouse.

Firstly, Merlin. As someone who survived the HP Shipping Wars, I found it hilariously funny to discover that the majority of the Merlin fandom are apparently "Merthur" shippers. As in, Merlin/Arthur. According to some, there are even characters within the series that ship Merlin/Arthur, such as Gaius, Hunnith, and the Great Dragon, also known according to one person as "Sparky the Great Slash Dragon". *insert random giggling here* :D I think this is brilliant! And, because the tune just popped into my head and because I spent over an hour waiting with a friend for another friend (see below) earlier, here is the new Merlin version of the song "Puff, the Magic Dragon" (lyrics taken from this source ):

Sparky, the Great Slash Dragon, lived in Camelot
He frolicked in a dungeon vault and thought himself quite hot
When Arthur Pendragon grew to be a man
Sparky remembered Merlin and hatched a cunning plan

Sparky, the Great Slash Dragon, lived in Camelot
He frolicked in a dungeon vault and thought himself quite hot
Sparky, the Great Slash Dragon, lived in Camelot
He frolicked in a dungeon vault and thought himself quite hot

"Together they will travel through all life's hardships through,
and I will keep a watch on them, for one and one makes two,"
Sparky thought this proudly, and watched all the while
Arthur spent his many thoughts upon Merlin's sweet smile


But Merlin he was angsty, and could not find his way
He worried 'bout his magic gift - for what would Arthur say?
One grey night young Merlin, when spelling Arthur's sword
Was caught by Prince Arthur himself, who was quite shocked and awed!


But Sparky he was cunning, as dragons tend to be
He did some magic spells and Arthur went down on one knee
Sparky, the Great Slash Dragon, had made his wish come true
He married Sword with Sorcery, and Uther turned quite blue!


. . .

I am utterly convinced that this conclusively proves the ultimate power of slash across the fandom board.
Yes, I know some of the lines and some of the rhymes are frankly, a bit dodgy, but ah well :) Maybe I'll fiddle with them later...

Secondly, Dollhouse. Am very happy!! I spent all this evening watching FIVE WHOLE episodes of Dollhouse which I just got on DVD - "Ghost", "The Target", "Stage Fright", "Gray Hour" and "True Believer". And also eating sweets. Lots of sweets. *does little happy dance* :)
We might even be able to watch some more episodes on Friday, so I'm even happier. Having looked up Dollhouse on wikipedia, though, I'm not sure when season two comes around - it's September 25th in the US, but will it be later in England? *shrugs* I'm generally ignorant about this sort of thing, so I'll just have to hoof it :)

I was going to write quite a lot about this, but it's nearly eleven now and I'm pretty tired. I think this entry will henceforth have to be shortened. All the same - Squish, d'you like the song? :D


shipping, sparky the great slash dragon, puff the magic dragon, fandom: merlin, song, fandom: dollhouse

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