Merlin, Dollhouse, and Sparky the Great Slash Dragon

Sep 09, 2009 21:50

So, only eleven days until uni.
*screams in utter blind panic*
No, it's not quite that bad :) But what with all the packing and whatnot, plus the distinct lack of anything DW that isn't a spoiler and nothing new on the HP front, I have reverted to that time-honoured tradition: sinking into other fandoms and pretending the rest of the world ( Read more... )

shipping, sparky the great slash dragon, puff the magic dragon, fandom: merlin, song, fandom: dollhouse

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Comments 14

calistomyth September 10 2009, 05:45:27 UTC
Give me back my wife you homewrecker!!!!


hermitknut September 10 2009, 10:17:24 UTC
Hehehe, sorry Sophieeeee! *is generally of a thieving nature*.
I'm only borrowing her a little tiny bit! :D


calistomyth September 10 2009, 19:02:17 UTC
YOU [insert expletive here]!!!!!




hermitknut September 10 2009, 19:19:57 UTC
*cowers in fear*


knightaimee September 10 2009, 09:21:25 UTC
you wrote all of it!! :O you absolute mentalist ;)


hermitknut September 10 2009, 10:18:20 UTC
I did I did I did! :D 'm glad you liked it....H


calistomyth September 10 2009, 19:04:59 UTC
You traitor! Fly out to Barc!

If you can get to hazel's then you can get to this rubbish apartment that just went pitch black (something about electricity. Managed to sort it with clare though. Gosh.)


hermitknut September 10 2009, 19:21:00 UTC
Only a week and a day now though, Soph! H.


*hums tunelessly into comment box* trixy_song September 27 2011, 23:18:32 UTC
I think I've literally just died of laughing! Best-song-ever! Can I marry it? Or the mind that concocted it? Not you Impey, just your frankly, amazing mind?! :-)


Re: *hums tunelessly into comment box* hermitknut September 27 2011, 23:26:04 UTC
I'll have to get permission from Sophie! But yes, yes you can XD



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