Doctor Who drought - Dollhouse madness

Aug 12, 2009 16:05

It's August. It's been just under four months since Planet of the Dead. The BBC website still isn't saying when The Waters of Mars will be broadcast, it's just "later this year". Grrrr. Wikipedia, mind you, says "circa November 2009", so at least that's something. With no new episodes of Doctor Who, Sarah-Jane absent until "autumn 2009", and Torchwood looking as though the fourth series won't happen for another year (the BBC has confirmed that series 4 is coming, but not for a while), a whole THIRD of my sanity has been put temporarily on hold. This may be the wettest summer we've had in years, but it's a drought in terms of television.

Mind you, saying that - Dollhouse. The new Joss Whedon series? Wow. Wow, wow, wow. I just watched the finale last night ("Epitaph One"), so good! :) I then had to spend over an hour trawling the internet for icons, of course - however, I have lost track of where I got them all from a bit. So now would probably be a good time to restate what I said before: I didn't make any of the icons I use, and if you would like me to I'm more than happy to find where I got them from. If you happen to notice that I'm using an icon YOU made and I haven't credited you, just tell me and I will :).
Anyway, where was I...ah, yes! Dollhouse. Best character has to be Topher Brink...I'm really quite enamoured with Topher at the moment. He's geeky (of course)...*sigh* It's completely ridiculous...he might be funny, but he's also a complete jerk who's rude to anyone he doesn't like, he has the mentality of a bratty five-year-old and he's completely amoral. Seriously, he pulled his moral compass apart as a child. And yet...mmmm...*shrug* who knows :) For those of you who have no idea who I'm talking about, this is Topher Brink:

And because I can, Topher quotes (from wikiquote):

Topher Brink: [referring to Echo's most recent engagement] She had fun, right?
Boyd Langton: She thought so.
Topher Brink: [quoting Hamlet] There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.


Topher Brink: [To Boyd, sarcastically] Anything for you. Because I love you. Deep, deep, man love.


Boyd Langton: They're eating lunch.
Topher Brink: They're eating lunch together, man friend. The same three. Even the same table. They're grouping.
Boyd Langton: Are you saying they remember each other?
Topher Brink: No, no, no. The wipes are clean. This goes deeper than memory, into instinctual survival patterns. Flocking. A whole mess of sparrows turning on a dime, salmon trucking upstream. This isn't a book club, man friend, this is the herd.
Boyd Langton: They're not bison, Topher.
Topher Brink: They're a little bit bison.


Echo: A massage would be relaxing.
Topher Brink: If she were any more relaxed, she'd be ooze.


Dr. Saunders: It's the eighth time he's had that exact imprint! I've cautioned against repeated imprints in the same dolls, haven't I?
Topher Brink: I don't know. You put in one of those reports?
Dr. Saunders: Of course.
Topher Brink: Okay! Well, nobody reads those!


Ballard: So this is it. This is where you steal their souls.
Topher: Yeah, and then we put them in a glass jar next to our fireflies. Why is there a tall, burly, judgmental man in my imprint room besides him? [points to Boyd]


Topher: I know it doesn't tell you anything, it doesn't tell me anything! And I'm the smartest person in this room! [Looks at Adelle] But less scary.


Oh, and finally:
Because. Just because.
Hey, it makes just as much sense as the other quizzes on the web :D

obsession: topher brink, is: pointless, icons, fandom: doctor who, fandom: dollhouse

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