the five vids meme

Mar 06, 2007 23:23

As modified by killabeez:

Post a list of your top five favorite vids you've made, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them, and explain why. This isn't about the BEST vids you've made, but which ones you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

I'm not going to tag anybody; instead I'll just say that I'd love to see any of the vidders I know do this one. Even those vidders who don't have five vids yet (way2busymom, I'm looking at you) could do a version where they explain their favorite things about their vid(s)...

Me, I've got sixteen publically posted vids online, which is... well, more than I thought before I counted, but a pretty small number compared to a lot of the folks I know who started vidding around the same time I did. Although between school stuff and job stuff and the omnipresent laziness factor, I'm kind of amazed I've made it to the double digits.

I'm defining "favorite vids" as the ones I would happily watch over and over and over again (since that's what I do with my favorite vids by other people). And they are, in chronological order:

1) Superstar. Which I made... almost four years ago. Wow. Time flies. As for why... I think "Faith! dancing!" pretty much covers it. Well, okay, not quite. I also love this vid because, of all my BtVS vids, it is the one where what I wanted to do and what I actually did are the most closely aligned. I have written and thought and written some more about this vid, trying to figure out why it works - of all the vids I have ever made, it seems to be the one that works best for the greatest number of people - and at this point I've given up on trying to understand it, or trying to top it, and am just sort of grateful that I survived it. No vid has ever been harder for me to make than this one, and yet I think I managed to keep the strain from showing in the final product, and that makes me really happy.

I do have soft spots for a bunch of my other BtVS vids, notably "Writing Notes," "Glorious #1," and "Come On," but I would get pretty bored watching them over and over and over, so... they're not making the cut.

2) Window of Opportunity. Because the rolling bassline makes me groove in my chair, and Jaye Tyler's bad attitude makes me grin.

3) Thistledown Tears. Because I love this show, and I love this song, and the line the time to wrestle the angel is here makes me ache for the whole crew.

4) New Frontier. Because by there are things we can't avoid I am totally sucked in, and by the time the Reaver boots go STOMP my heartrate's gone up, and by the end I have tears in my eyes. I put so much thought into this one, so many ideas, but in the end it's all about the emotion for me: my turn.

5) In the Mirror. Because I just finished it, and I am almost always in love with whatever vid I have most recently finished. Plus, I can dance to it. And then I can imagine that I'm dancing with Ray, which... you know, I was once involved with somebody approximately that needy and difficult, and I would never go down that ugly road again, but I would absolutely and without hesitation go dancing with RayK, because lord, that man can move.

vid: in the mirror, vid: superstar, vid: thistledown tears, vid: new frontier, vid: window of opportunity, memes

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