vid remaster: Thistledown Tears

Nov 30, 2006 22:26

I've been meaning to do a DivX (well, XviD, really) version of Thistledown Tears ever since making New Frontier. And now I've finally gotten around to it, partly as a warm-up for the new Firefly vid I'm hoping to start work on... um... well, I'd like to start it this weekend, but the probability that I'll open Premiere again before finals are over is so low as to be statistically negligible.

Anyway: Thistledown, remastered, and with a few tweaks to fix things that had grown to irk me in the years since I made the vid originally. Also, I got that wacky ball --> planet thing right the first time, which is a refreshing change from the original endeavor in which I spent hours swearing at Premiere and complaining to renenet (who sat placidly in the next room ignoring me, which upon reflection was definitely the best course of action for her to take) about how much I hated special effects and I was never going to use them ever again and possibly I was going to kill her for not simply telling me to scrap the idea.

I'm still not that comfortable with special effects, actually, although I'm trying to get over it. Just don't rush me.

What was I talking about? Oh, right. If you're interested, you can get the new version of Thistledown over at, as usual.

password: jacob

vids: announcements, vid: thistledown tears, vid: blind hope, vidding: remastering

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