new vid up: "Window of Opportunity"

Aug 17, 2004 20:07

This is the Wonderfalls vid that premiered in Nearly New at VividCon last weekend. As usual, it and others are available for download at

Window of Opportunity
fandom: Wonderfalls
music: Meryn Cadell, "Window of Opportunity"
format: DivX, 35 MB
summary: Jaye's wacky life. To say I know exactly what I'm doing would be lying.

renenet provided The World's Best Beta™; fan_eunice provided reassurance that it wasn't too incomprehensible (I love the show's quirkiness, but attempting to convey it to somebody not already in the know was... a challenge); truepenny watched it despite not caring two pins for vids, and laughed in all the right places.

I hope you will too.

password: wonderfalls

I am tempted to post some of the Tales From The Beta Process, but I think I'll let that go for now.

vids: announcements, tv: wonderfalls, vid: window of opportunity, vividcon

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