vividcon panel handout: "The Language of Vidding"

Aug 19, 2004 15:02

As promised, I'm posting the handout distributed at the Language of Vidding panel that cereta and I moderated at VividCon.

The disclaimer on the handout itself still applies: This list of terms is an introductory overview, not a comprehensive guide. Please think of it as a starting point, and feel free to add notes to it throughout the con.
To which I would now add, feel free to send me revelant additions, corrections, and further thoughts (or links to same); post them as comments to this entry, or as contributions to discussion on the vidder list. If they're brief, I'll incorporate them into the handout itself, as I've already done for some of feodchan's technical notes from the panel and untrue_accounts' post-con commentary on the panel. If they're longer, I'll link to them.

vidding: meta, vividcon

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