1. We were woken at about quarter to six this morning by sirens and a strong smell of smoke. Turned out that the outbuilding of the empty paint shop across the road was well ablaze. It took them an hour and a half to get it under control, and it is now a burnt out ruin! The children were extremely excited by the whole thing as you can imagine.
2. I have baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for Junior Sports Day tomorrow afternoon. Whether or not it will be rained off, I have no idea - last year they got half way through when the heavens opened, and we ended up taking all the children home early!
3. Tomorrow morning I'm taking Little Three to see the orthoptist at the hospital for her regular appointment there. Afterwards her nursery friend C and his mum P are coming to collect us from the hospital and take us back to their house for lunch. We are both really looking forward to that. P and I will be selling drinks, cakes and second hand uniform all afternoon at sports day.
4. Tim has collected a big box of crockery from freecycle and we have just spent a little while going through it all and deciding what to keep. I'm delighted to have more pyrex and more unchipped mugs, and we also now have more plates which will make inviting people round for meals a little easier!
5. Just spoke to Mum on the phone to get my brother's address so Little Two can post a birthday thank you letter to him. She was in tears because her oldest cat Chloe was put to sleep today. Her kidneys were failing, and while at the grand old age of 19 it is no surprise really, it still feels horribly sad - and she as the oldest cat was the only one I can remember being at home when I was still living there.
6. Chloe is going to be cremated, and then Mum and the children and I will make a trip back to the Derbyshire town where she started life, and scatter the ashes up in the woods behind our old house where all the cats used to play. Two other cats are scattered there already.
7. I am thoroughly enjoying knitting socks again. Today I have been alternating between a bit of housework and a row of sock, and added to what I got done yesterday afternoon and evening, I am now partway into the heel flap! This is such a gorgeous colourway; I can't wait to wear them.
8. Games night tonight, with
arky72 and hopefully
weblet_h as well - if she can get out of Brownies in time - I really hope so! We are being ultra healthy tonight and having fruit instead of baking, for a change, so I've got some blueberries to take along. :-)
9. Little Three is all excited because Nursery have got some caterpillars which are now just about ready to make their cocoons and get ready to turn into butterflies! I went in and had a look at them after nursery today because L3 is butterfly mad at the moment and I wanted to see them so we can talk about them! It's all very exciting.
10. Now I've addressed the envelope to my brother, I'm going to let L1 and L2 go out together very carefully to post the letter on their own. L1 is fine out on her own now, but I've never let L2 out without me before! He'll be just fine with his big sister and now he is 8 I think it is time to let him have a bit of careful independence now and again. :-)
11. Better go and see if it is time to put the chicken wings and drumsticks in the oven!