this will be her last

Mar 21, 2009 00:03

Helo is pretty, no? Aw, even when he cries.

I had to take notes because I find that I not only am falling asleep all the time but my concentration and memory are in the proverbial toilet so I thought it might help in remembering so I could discuss. 100s of pages later and lots of big sharpie pen (buy one! they're are awesome) exclamation points and yelling - BSG has come to an end and I have completely enjoyed these last, weeks.

I haven't had a the opportunity yet to talk in depth about the show like I wanted to do because I was like a coke whore and didn't bother to post updates as I went along but this show can be very pretty. Great use of colors...and strippers, apparently. Tigh! With an eye. Rhyming! Yay. Already off to a good start.

He's buying Adama a lap dance. Oh boy. hahah. My EYES. Why?? Oh, retirement. RETIREMENT? OH. That explains A LOT.

Lee = politico from the start, huh?

I like KS with short hair. It suits her better. Same goes for JB. WOW.

I hope Laura's date goes ok and he's not INSANE! 'Cause that would suck....never mind. Oops. Well, she could still...there you go Laura! Ha.

Is anyone NOT a drunk in the future on this show? (I wrote that before Zak pass out btw)

Uh...Lee, you're one to talk, buddy. Hit any pigeons lately...or later after you probably MAKE OUT WITH KARA BECAUSE YOU BOTH SUCK. GOD. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE TWO OF YOU?!?!!? DON'T YOU WANT ME TO LOVE YOU? BECAUSE I WANTED TO. YOU MAKE IT TOO HARD.

See? Little too close, Kara. She knows no bounds, that girl.

Ooh, Bill. Ewww. Pathetic and sad, Pukey McPukerton. Nice transition from gravel to space, though.

I think Gaius die will tonight. I love him and I hope not but if he does and it's because he chooses to fight, then I will be okay. And Caprica has to acknowledge it because the look she gave him last week as he stayed on the other side of the line KILLED ME.

I haven't mentioned Cottle - I ♥ Cottle. He's amazing. I wish he were my doctor. My migraines would be gone!


It would be horribly cheesy if she lived, I know, but...she's just so awesome. This is going to suck and they are not going to pull the band-aid off quick with that one. Not at all.

I have grown to love Helo so much. And Athena. (As well as Grace Park. She really holds her own)

Is it terrible that I'm not entirely sure who the new Adm- oh Hoshey! He's Hoshey! I'm not even sure if I'm spelling that right. It doesn't matter. Show's over. He took over for Dee - is that right? It's all a blur!

Seeing all the cylon crap all of the CIC - this show is so far from the Mini and 33! It's fairly hilarious.

Hahah..."We could put them out the airlocks." Oh, Tigh. I love you. I will miss you. Can't we have a Tigh show? CAN'T WE?!?!

Is Sam namked? Because that's a series finale must see!

Hey THAT guy! President! It ran through my brain briefly when Lee volunteered but okie dokie.

Stay Gaius stay! YES!!!! I am incredibly proud of him. And he looks totally hot.

Centurions are cool. I dig their hands.

What about Warehouse 13? Bones meets Fringe with a poor man's Boreanaz?

John Cho is the ONLY reason for my seeing the new Star Trek. Hel-lo John Cho.

Alec Baldwin Hulu commercial is still the best. The EDush one is horrible. She even sucks playing herself. Now THERE'S talent!

GOD! C'mon show. Mmmm...Corona...

I like Tigh's eye-patch. It's like a band-aid in patch form.

How is Laura going to help? She's barely alive.

Old Centurions! Cute.

Caprica and Gaius!!! I think they're my OTP. I think they have been since the first time she slammed him against the wall in the Mini.

BTW - what's happening with Caprica and Tigh (dude, I always type Tight and it drives me CRAZY)? Is that over now? I'm confused. I hope so because he belongs with Ellen and she belongs with Gaius and they came together when they were supposed to at a certain time and it didn't work out. Which I think IS how they left it...

Isn't Galactica falling apart? How is it even going to make this?


The effects look great!

The Colony ship looks much cooler than previous eps.



Hey, it's that crazy hybrid - I call her Amy for some reason - and it's working! SAM RULES!!! Like we didn't already know this.

As beams are crashing through the ship, I got visions of Wash being speared to death. Woe.

Music's great.

Lee's hair is riding the crazy train. And is it blonde? WTF?

Even if I don't ship S/S, I ♥ their tattoo. It's awesome.

Bye Racetrack and Skulls. But remember that time you were assholes and took part in a mutiny? So whatever. Suck it.

I hope Helo and Athena keep their heads and don't go running.

Shallow - KS should wear a ponytail more often.

WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO HERA??!? Ah! There you go, Boomer!! It's about frakkin' time!

Eric Stoltz! And that other guy...Esai Morales? Is that right? Oh and Molly...Walker? She's awesome. That looks depressing.

It's 9:41. I'm ANXIOUS. Anyone else?!?!?

Centurions vs. centurions is super cool!!

I can not stop laughing at Lee's hair. It's INSANE!

Where is my boyfriend Leoben? This is not funny. Or the other D'Anna's? One stayed behind on Earth - not all of them, right? So...where are they in all this?

Me, too, Caprica! Yay! I wish they would live so they could have babies together...ooh, they're KISSING! Ooh, they're head others are there....and so maybe they will live! YAYAYAYAY!

Bye, Boomer. Thanks for kidnapping Hera AGAIN, causing all kinds of problems AGAIN and then realizing you made a huge error AGAIN and only this time actually making up for it before being killed. At least you went out a little better this time.

Owed the Old Man? What's that... Well, okay then. TEARS AGAIN. Oh, Boomer.

There's a fire! Well, then put it out, you frakkin' USELESS BITCH TORY!!! GOD I HATE YOU DIE!!!L!K!LK

Can Hera save Laura? Can she just sense her because of the blood connection?

No! Simon with a gun is NOT good.


I have to admit that the amount of times that this kid has been kidnapped is just ridiculous at this point. Just give up, Athena, I'm sorry. Although I'm not really sure WHERE they're going to go...

Never mind - she's going to lead them home, RIGHT? She's going to DO SOMETHING???

Cavil is not someone you can reason with so GO SAVE HELO!!! OMG!!! It happened so quick and they just left him and it's like okay we're moving on see you later. NO, unacceptable!

Well, so much for throwing them out the airlocks, Tigh. Give 'em resurrection, sure. This all happened will happen again, right?


Okay, maybe you can reason with Cavil - he just never seemed like he would agree if humans lived but I guess as long as it ensures the cylons continuing survival through resurrection than he'll let everyone go their separate ways.

So now Gauis won't die, right?!? And he and Caprica can go have hot monkey sex all the time like they used to? YAY!

Also - HELO!?!

Also - Do you think they pulled that whole opera house/CIC thing out of their collective asses or what? They're not exactly known for planning these things out too far in advance. "Hey, let's pick 4 out of the 5 cylons!" "Okay!" "Yeah, and let's make one of them the most AWFUL and USELESS character on any tv show EVER!" " five!" (I'm sure Rekha is awesome - she seemed very funny and sweet in TLFS but she must know how bad her character sucks and that she was just happy to be on the show)

Finally, the truth about Cally. God I hate Tory.

"Don't mean to rush you but you are keeping two civilizations waiting!" Hahaa, Cavil.

I'd like to stick my hand in a naked Michael Trucco bath.

Those are KILL YOU eyes which then makes me think Chief really did love Cally and didn't hate that she smelled like cabbage or whatever freak out he had. I know she wasn't the most well liked character but for the first 3 years, I kind of liked her. Oh yay DEAD TORY!!

Well, there's that, Cavil.

Racetrack just NUKED THE FRAKKING SHIP!!! OMG JUMP IN THE BLACK HOLE. Can't they do that and maybe come out shiny and new? Or - um, probably better to use those crazy notes that Hera gave Starbuck. Yeah.

Said the joker to the thief. Oh, show. I had already really, really liked you but then I fell in love with you when you use Dylan to seduce me.

LEOBEN! Pretty. Not with a mouth full of blood and of course FLASH BACKS DON'T COUNT!

Shots? This cannot be good. This is the night Lee fell in love with Kara Thrace. Guaranfrakkantee it.

Please be a planet they landed by because um the ship is not looking good.

Where is HELO??

Good riddance to the most useless character ever. What a waste of a cylon, really. And I'm sorry to keep bitching about this but it annoys me and it's still new to me where it's all old to you.

Poor Chief. I really do feel for him. I wish things had worked out differently for him. He kind of breaks my heart. But I am glad that I got closure because it was one of my questions for the evening.

How long can they even stay on Galactica for? Everything is falling off. Not good.

EARTH? Real motherfrakkin' EARTH? Or just a planet that's like identical in everyway?

I CAN NOT WAIT to see Wolverine. Hugh, Taylor, Liev (who has never looked hotter, btw - why is that?) and Ryan? Yes, please.

My hand hurts.

40 minutes left. So far so good. I've enjoyed it. Obviously NOT the decision to KILL HELO but whatever JOSS-wanna be. WHATEVA. Suck it, RDM.

Nothin' but blue skies, sir. That'd be nice to say for once, wouldn't it?

There's a nice light moment between the men before they start KILLING OFF EVERYONE ELSE.

Do you think they have a barber shop for Lee? Because OMG.

Are they going to live in huts and tee-pees? Cause I think that's kind of cool.

I like Adama and Lee strolling arm and arm. However, this tech speech seems a little heavy handed, no? Tech = bad. Soul sucking blah blah. It takes away our humanity WE KNOW. Tell us more about it later on the PODCAST, Ron Moore.

LEOBEN!!!! Boyfriend, so happy to see you!

A lot more people lived than I thought they would - woah - wait WHAT?!?!!?!?


Okay, I know he's technically brain dead and on "Earth" there's no way to keep him alive so fine but OMG SHOW OH MY GOD.

Well, her and Lee can be together now. I'm not saying that in a pilot!love yay! way but whatever my feelings on the whole square, Sam & Dee didn't deserve what they got. I think it was worse for Dee but after N.Cap it certainly wasn't easy for Sam -

Oh show's back on. Never mind. Will continue thought in inevitable Who Does Heather Want Starbuck With? (Answer: No One - or maybe Leoben or Lee I DON'T KNOW. Not Sam because he's too good for her. That's all I do know)

Adama on the last flight out. Dudes, seriously tears. And we haven't even gotten to Laura yet.

Why would they ask him - as a human - if he were a cylon? Did they know? I don't remember.

Aw, Husker.

These have been 4 great weeks of tv and I'm really happy I've watched when I did.

Bye, Sam :(

The Big 3. Tyrol is just going to go be by himself? That's it? I mean, I get it. But what if he wants to come back? Will he be able to call and say, "Hey, I'm lonely...come pick me up"?

I'm glad Tigh and Ellen are back together. How is it that Kate Vernon is prettier now than she was in 1987? And with better hair?

Remember hating Ellen for like 3 1/2 season? It's so weird because I totally dig her now. I always wanted her to be good because it would make Tigh happy and I wanted Tigh to be happy. Because when Tigh was broken, I was broken.

10:40. Can we acknowledge at some point BEFORE THE SHOW ENDS FOREVER:
- HELO and I guess Athena
- LAURA, hello???? Bill and Laura
- EVERYTHING ELSE because by the time commercials are over it's like barely 15 minutes left.

Yay, Laura! Gazelles! We're gonna all be balling in like a minute, right? Aw, hands! I'm glad she got a beautiful world before she goes.

Mary is awesome.

Guys, this is really hard to watch. I have to write to keep from just balling. It's not really helping at all. This is bad. Like when Buffy died in "The Gift" and even though I KNEW there was a 6th season, I couldn't stop BALLING. I cried during "Chosen", of course, but not like that. Maybe when Wash died in Serenity... Anyone else a mess? Because I've only been attached for 4 weeks and not 4 years.

She's so great with a smile and a wave. WAIT - what? Bill's dying, too??? Did I miss something? Am I in so much DENIAL that I missed something? It makes sense, it's good. It works for me. It's sweetly awesome and fitting for the both of them but he's not DYING so...

Double dog dare - not good. Kara's an asshole. Lee's an asshole. Thank you for reminding me show. I was starting to rethink - or actually I guess they are completely perfect for one another. God, how I wish they just didn't DO so many things with them because I so loved them before I KNEW anything and then when I started to watch, I really liked another time.

Well, Lee has his slacker hair for it. Maybe she can go with - huh.

Where'd she go? She went to be with Sam on the other side? Sigh. Okay. I think maybe my personal feelings for the actress is interfering with my thoughts on Starbuck and I HAVE to try and keep them separate. I can't bitch about her ability not to do it and then do the same thing. I don't want to be a hypocrite. So, I'll say that although I don't personally ship her and Sam, I guess, in the END I'm happy about it because it would make SAM happy to be with her on the other side.

What is with the pigeon?? Seriously, Bamber is SO much cuter with shorter hair. He's like a completely different person.

Why this? Why isn't my last image of her with Bill? Not with this dude that I could less about. I guess so we can see that she'll take the job? Yup. Okay. All the way to the end. True that. And OMG. Death scene is fast approaching. I need more tissues.

When will the tears stop??!?!

Don't overdo it, EJO. Keep it simple. There you go. What is Bill going to do? Just sit until he dies? Is he going to take his own life? Will he die because she has?

I need to watch something funny now.


The Plan? Alrighty! I'm there. Since I love Cylons. And Leoben. OTC!!

HELOOOOO!!!!!!! My world is alive and pretty again!

I'm thrilled that G/C will be together because they are awesome (have I said that enough?) Full circle for Gauis. Great end for them. Makes me happy.

What's Hera doing? Oh, good nothing! Phew. I was worried for a minute.

Oh, it's Ron Moore!

Hera's bones. So these angels are the people that put into place the events that will cause the downfall of humanity? "God" - It? Silly? OMG WHAT? Why are you hurting my head at 10:59, RDM? WHY???

I know it's not a popular opinion but I prefer the Dylan version and that's that.

Well, then. Helo's not dead so I'm happy - except for all the sadness about everything else...

I haven't been up this late in MONTHS. I'm going to bed.

tv: bsg

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