he even strained the pulp

Mar 19, 2009 18:23

So I'm watching the ultra bad 90210 ep in which Brandon became a "man" and after this momentous occasion happened, he thought the best music to play the morning after would be Glenn Miller's "In the Mood". Hmm. I'm not saying it isn't possible but...this is Brandon we're I'm discussing here and I find that hard to believe. I love the song, I grew up with it in my home (my grandparents loved big band and would jitterbug all over when they were younger) - maybe I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Cindy and Jim are hip but again...

I fell asleep at the lunch table today. I had a migraine and so I took the new daytime meds - not the preventative stuff at night that makes carbonated beverages taste funny and makes me tingly - and one minute I was reading the awesomely dark and hilarious A Dirty Job and the next, my co-worker wakes me by asking, "Rough night?" Oops. At least my brain stopped trying to escape through my skull. There's a plus!

I don't know why I allow myself to get sucked in every year. I kind of love Allison. She totally reminds me of Kelly - she just needs some polishing but she's 16! And I kind of like how's she just like dorky and makes faces because we're not all as poised as Jordin Sparks at 16, right? I've liked Matt since the audition. I don't see the JTimba comparison so much but I like the Buble one and tend to agree. I don't particularly like anyone else. Anoop sometimes, Kris is cute, and that's it? I liked Megan at the audition but god GOD she has sucked substantial ASS since then. GO HOME, boobs. Who else is there?

I'm not a fan of god, what's his name? The Ring of Fire guy? And it's not because I think Johnny Cash would DIE from it all over again because Johnny loved music and reinterpretations and all that jazz BUT I just don't dig his whole vibe. I don't deny him it. I guess I find it interesting enough but it kind of ends up giving me a headache and reminds me more of hairband than Buckley (which I'm reading a lot of which is CRAZY to me!)

And I LOATHE Goakey. When I think about how much I disliked Daughtry and Cook (which is funny because I actually don't mind them on the radio), I would maim and kill to get them back on the show to get rid of this guy. He drives me CRAZY with rage for reasons I can't even begin to understand.

...was good. Not a ton happened but I still thought it was good. I haven't been around much but I don't know what the consensus is on Juliet and Sawyer, I'm sorry, James...I'm sorry, Jim. I like it. But then I think I might be the last person on the planet who LIKES Juliet so... I think I'm more of a Jack/Kate person anyway because they just seem better suited for one another but I'd still rather see Kate gone/dead/coma/whatever because she just sucks so bad.

Curious to know what Sawyer meant by Daniel not being there - physically? Mentally? Since I think most people believe that Chang is Miles's dad - isn't it weird that he's like on the island with him now? And doesn't he know that it's his dad? Or is that saying it's not? Also, why do people insist on hiring this guy? He has successfully creeped me out since Mulholland Dr..

I think next week looks great and I have an idea about what Sayid believes to be his so-called "destiny" so that should be interesting if I'm right. I sincerely hope Jack doesn't mess everything up because he's not wearing the big boy pants now. That's totally something he would do.

Yay, new SPN and TO and 30 Rock tonight! I hope I can stay awake. D.'s at school so I don't have him to nudge me.

tmi: health, tv: 90210, tv: ai, tv: lost

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