
May 05, 2009 19:23

Things are better. Thank you for your well wishes. Much appreciated! It's been rough but what can you do? I can't quit and so until it's better out there and I can move on, I will grin and bear it to the best of my abilities - which IS actually my best ability because I've been doing it for YEARS.

Good news is? I'm finally - after 9 years - getting my very own office! HOLLA. I look forward to being able to spread out and not trying to keep my 5 jobs in a 5x5 space. That's been fun and not at all cramped.

tlace has sucked me into dream...something... - another LJ thing that I will again feel guilty about never updating! Is this a just in case LJ gets more rules? I'm out of the loop.

I left for a while to look at house with FMiL - it's right down the street and just when I thought we should NOT buy a house, I kind of love it and it's adorable and what we're looking for. Unfortunately, not the price, but it's a nice town so...I don't know...I'm conflicted.

AI is on. Why am I still watching this? OOH SLASH!!!

Also - the Met Museum Gala thingy was last night and I love Annie Hathaway, I really do. I'm huge Hathaway champion, spending hard earned money to see crap like Bride Wars because I enjoy her and I get mocked for it. But this is the WORST THING EVER:

photo from just jared

WHAT WAS SHE THINKING??!?! The hair makes her face look 10 times bigger. Purple is pretty! Hello, it's almost my wedding color BUT um, NO, bad bad bad dress! It's supposed to be something and it's TOTALLY NOT IT. The shoes are kind of hot, though.

God, my ears. Um, I think he just humped the microphone stand. Not necessary. He was kind of growing on me - like a Chia Pet - but this was NOT for me. Not. For. Me. God tongue bath all around, per usual. BORED NOW.

Is NIN glam rock now? Shut up, Kara.

Adam does have really nice teeth, though. And he seems like a nice guy but the shrieking - god, the shrilling, shrieking "singing" can get right through me.

Allison is singing Joplin! SHOCKER! But I actually agree with Slash that she just needs to get past her fear. I LOVED her. She's the first person I've voted for since um...Jason...was that last year? But she's been losing me the last couple of weeks. This, though, I'm DIGGING. They're going to tear her apart. They want all boys because they suck. I KNEW IT. Yeah, Allison, tell him. And then give him the British finger. You probably didn't even know it.

That's all I have for AI. I can't - even if Kris gets me to like him more every week - I can't talk about Gokey because I hate him. Seething, fire, burning, ooky hate. It's fun.


I just won't look at him. I just won't look at him. I just won't look at him. OOH, he sounds like SHIT! YES!!! Well, Kris doesn't sound so great, but BLECH to Gokey. AND STOP RUINING RENEGADE!!!!!!

Thank god, that's over. And, no, Simon, Danny was NOT better than Kris. Stop PANDERING TO HIS STUPID ASS. GOD.

Okay, I'm done. For real this time. Although Kris IS singing The Beatles which hmm...what COULD he be singing...Come Together. I'm into it. And NOW I'm done!

tv: ai, eek!, the suck: work

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