OK, so my camera died over the weekend, and I didn't get around to charging the batteries till today. Anyway! I and my resin herd were fortunate enough to be invited to scarlet_reverie's lovely Japanese pavilion (kidnaps pavilion! runs away with it
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Next to last! I would have been done on time, but Photoshop crashed twice while I was doing today's theme.^^; Therefore because I was in a weird mood after losing 3 hours of work, there are two versions.
So Byakuya said, "I have not yet appeared in any of these, have I?" And I said, "No, you have not." And Byakuya said, "I have not yet appeared in any of these, have I."
Managed to get it done by half-past midnight - hey if we're going strictly by longitude instead of politically-adjusted time zones, it would have gotten in by midnight, so there.XD