OK, so my camera died over the weekend, and I didn't get around to charging the batteries till today. Anyway! I and my resin herd were fortunate enough to be invited to
scarlet_reverie's lovely Japanese pavilion (kidnaps pavilion! runs away with it!)
Pics are in two parts... this is the Ichigo/Rukia-centric part, or should I say, the Allen/Lenalee-centric part... because I FINALLY finished their Halloween outfits!
I like the way the light falls on them.:3
This is actually not a very good picture, I just like how it plays havoc with my sense of scale. They look almost lifesize here, thanks to the clever layout of the pavilion.^^
I gave him the option of standing properly or standing gay. We compromised.
i love how delicately she's standing here...*squee!* I love my little Rukia so much!! (btw her dress is from the Rewinding Town arc. ...liberties were taken.)
awesome stone lantern.^_^
of course Rukia was not content with standing at its base.
a close-up, because I like the way the light falls on her here.
This is Ichigo/Allen's SUPER ORANGE FACEUP. He will stab me in my sleep tonight for showing this, I'm sure.
'nuther omake!
WAHHH! Robin seeks refuge from rambunctious fangirls!
I'll get around to posting the other pictures... later^^;