Monday was a true Monday. I got into the office and the floor squelched. The carpet was soaked as a result of the air conditioner leaking all weekend. To make a long story short I spent the day moving things off the floor and reconfiguring my work area so the two PCs I need for my job could function again. By the end of the day my allergies had turned my sinuses into an impassable monstrosity. The landlord sent over someone to vacuum some of the water out of the carpets, but it didn't help much.
A carpet cleaning crew was supposed to come through last night, but when I got in this morning, Tuesday, it hadn't happened. The mold had gotten worse and my allergies were going like gangbusters within a few minutes.
I complained about this to one of the office managers. More efforts were made to get some air circulation into the room, but the simple fact is even if carpet cleaners come through tonight it will take a few days for the room to be breathable.
And then pseudoscience came to my rescue.
One of my coworkers has been using every office but her own for a couple of weeks now. I thought this was because our garden level (Cambridge euphemism for "Basement" ) offices had little natural sunlight. It turns out her reason is that she insists her office has
dangerous levels of EM radiation and that she's EM sensitive. She even picked up an EM meter from Radio Shack and took readings around the building, concluding that while the average reading in the office is "4" something her private corner office in the back comes in at a whopping "25" something.
She's out today and I've set up one of me development PCs at her desk. There's a talk of this being a permanent switch. It seems folks like the idea of giving her my smaller office with the EM readings she's comfortable with and giving me the larger corner office at the back of the building.