Title: Stuck Author: habitualunacy Pairing: Nichkhun/Wooyoung Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, Angst Summary: There are things that aren't meant to last forever. A/N: Wooyoung's POV, thoughts, "speech"
Title: Blinded Author: habitualunacy Pairing: Nichkhun/Wooyoung Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, Angst Summary: Sometimes what we're looking for has always been right by our side. A/N: Khun's POV, thoughts, "speech"
Title: Just for tonight Author: habitualunacy Pairing: Nichkhun/Wooyoung Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance Summary: Sometimes weariness can make you do things. A/N: first khunyoung fic. :p