every day without a call gets harder & harder.
i haven't heard his voice since last saturday.
last night i went over ashley's to avoid throwing myself a pity party.
i came upstairs for a minute before leaving to get my keys...
and the moment i got up here i began crying. i was so mad at myself.
i don't think i was in the most cheery mood so i probably shouldn't have.
we started decorating the babies room with the stuff i bought.
turns out her husband won't put anything over the computer desk (it's in the room).
so there's gonna be this big space with nothing on the wall.
he kept saying "it's MYY space" i just kept thinking of the website lol.
and responded with "no it's the babies space" whatever.
it really annoyed me so i stopped decorating until i got over it.
i'm highly considering making a "myspace" out of construction paper
and taping it over his computer desk just to piss him off.
ashley gave me permission to do so :]
today i'm going to IKEA with the FMIL. actually in a 1/2 hour.
we didn't say whether she was picking me up or not...i should probably call.
i'm not even dressed yet and i'm losing interest in going blah.
the museum was kinda lame yesterday. i remember it being better.
maybe it's because of the company i had with me or maybe i've outgrown it?
well i just wanted to do a short update so later i don't write a huge one.
i'm so excited for it to be october. sean left in august (at the end though)
so the fact that it'll be the second change of months makes me happy.
october will also be really busy for me and then november & december will flyy.
suddenly it'll be January 2010 and if all goes to plan he'll be home for R&R :]
hope everyone enjoys the last day of their weekend<3