Things That Tick Me Off

Sep 07, 2006 10:26

Apparently there needs to be a list.

1. People whose entire conversation consists of sentances beginning with the word 'I'.

Now, I've heard every possible arguement for why this trait does not in fact make one a self-centered person. Usually they're some variation of: Well, when I *insert childhood trauma/family quirk/some other whiny self pandering excuse*.

When you literally cannot speak about something when it does NOT relate back to you then You Are Self Centered. That is what the term MEANS.

Beign self-centered is not an insurmountable flaw. Most people, when the fact FINALLY gets through their skulls, adjust automatically and become hyperaware of others. Being either deluded or intentionally self centered is the only sin. This goes for ignorance, apathy, hatred, and any other number of personality flaws. When you are doing something and you KNOW it's wrong, but continue to do so then you are scum.

2. Using the word 'um' every other phrase.

This one is just personal.

There is nothing WRONG with it, per se. However it does make otherwise intelligent people seem like gum popping idiots. I've got a stutter so I put a LOT of effort into being coherant. It takes daily effort so hearing people use a crutch-word drives me up one wall, across the ceiling, and down the other.

3. Talking around the question.

Now, when I ask someone a question I'm not expecting them to have the answer right there. I do however expect them to actually LISTEN to what I actually asked and give it some thought. 'I don't know' is an acceptable answer. It frees me up to go find out for myself or find someone else who does. HOWEVER, if you're gonna tie me up for ten minutes talking about everything EXCEPT the thing I asked you then you can just go die. This activity wastes my time and makes you look like the idiot you are.

4. Complete and Utter Lack of Professionalism in the workplace.

Commit this sin and you will be on my shit list now and forever.

I take pride in what I do for a living. I have to. I'm here forty hours a week and more when I can manage it. If I didn't care about doing well then I would go Stark Raving Mad in this place. No joke.

So when I am running up the stairs to make it to my desk on time so that I can make myself a warm drink while my computer is booting up and still be on time, if I see you saunter in twenty minutes late, chattering on your cell phone, and talking about how wonderful you are... well then is it any question why I give you a dirty look?

5. Cell Phones in General

I. Hate. People. Who. Have. Cellphones.

No, scratch that. I hate IDIOTS who live with their cellphone surgically attatched to their HEAD.

Yesterday I was coming home with my room mate from Target. It was pitch black outside and POURING (sad thing was, it was like 6 PM so there should have been at least SOME light) and one of my neighbors pulled out of her parking space and floundered around in the parking a lot for a while blocking everyone and damn near hitting four other cars. At first we thought she was just have trouble because of the low visibility. Turns out she was more focused on her cell phone than actually driving her car. It weren't no emergency either, unless an emergency merits bouncing around in ones seat and giggling madly.

Nothing ticks me off like browsing my favorite book store and getting interuppted by some kid's cell phone blasting a bad MIDI version of Mozart's Requiem or -more recently- a staticky version of whatever vulgar rap song is popular at the time. Yeeeeeeeaaaaaah, that's a Darwin Award waiting to happen there.

Even the vibrate function is annoying. There's a particular model that Verizon makes that MUST double for a sex toy, because I can see no other reason for it to be so powerful that when one goes off on the desk behind me it makes my desk shake. We're not talking a little tremor either. The point of vibrate is that its not supposed to make noise, but those things are keyed up so high that they make as much or MORE noise than the ring tones!!

certain people, rant, work, bitch, killkillkill, idiocy

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