All right, let's try this again...
Today I am feeling decidedly less menstrual and thus feel up to making a more comprehensive post.
So I didn't pass the qualifications exam.
You had to score a 95 or above and I got a 91. The three questions I missed were 1. script questions (despite the fact that we don't HAVE one) 2. ambiguous as all hell (how am I supposed to know which tool they meant? When you say 'go to the first page in one of your main tools and tell us what paragraph ___ says then how am I supposed to know you mean the SVO tool and not TSRT? Bull crap.)
I think most of the reason I was all 'SQUEE' about it was that I'd never gotten a promotion before and it would look really good on my resume.
However, the CIN2 queue is almost always backed up and the position is way more demanding than the raise merits. They've been getting night constant abuse from Above and have been told that they are to be 'flexible' meaning they are pretty much On Call or they're not demoted, they're fired. Plus, they have to act as a liaison to the technicians and if I haven't ranted about that lot yet... Let's just say they're a bunch of uptight ass holes who never leave their cubicles and have a collective God Complex. They seem to expect us to pander to their every whim, which means not sending their customers to them when they (the customer) call and not having the case assigned to a more reliable technician when they screw up.
All told, I could use less stress and I'm making enough money now, which is something I never expected to be able to say.
So far, today is shaping up to be One Of Those Days.
We've already gotten a couple of long distance scam calls (you know, when someone calls up a toll free number and requests to be transferred to a specific number so they don't have to pay long distance? Yeah, that.) and one conspiracy theorist who wants to tell us all about how one of the higher ups in the company gang-raped him or one of his friends. Thankfully I didn't get that call myself. Although, how one man can gang-rape anyone is beyond me. Apparently said Higher Up is a very talented man.
Of course, Gang Rape boy isn't the only crazy we get. There's Stalker Chick who apparently decided that another higher up is destined to be her one and only... except, you know he's married with a passel of kids and by all accounts just beyond happy with his wife. Tell that to stalker chick. "You can't FIGHT DESTINY!!!"
There's a mary-sue waiting to happen.
Luckily, there's been a minimum of calls today. If we were queued up then I'd be in a poor mood, but so far I think I can deal if I can just make it to lunch. Everything is down hill from there...