The Best Laid Plans

Mar 06, 2006 11:01

…were laid to waste over the weekend. I was peppered with calls and emails from work all weekend long to fix this and that and the other. It was so incredibly frustrating.

Insult to injury is the fact I'm sitting in the cubefarm today instead of taking today/tomorrow off as hoped. Granted, the plans to take off were tenative but the principle remains the same - they are driving me fookin' nutsoid.

My plan now is to get the rest of these piddly lil' issues ironed out and then take the rest of the week off. Not sure if that means I'll be working on Tuesday, but gawd I hope not.

•  •  •  •  •  
I called my father on Sunday afternoon. He's back home from the hospital and doing fine - back to his usually grumpy ole' bear routine. He relayed to me words that renewed the fraying edges of my sanity: a bone scan showed that his cancer was not (REPEAT: NOT) resurfacing.

Ya hear news like that and just hang in some limbo of unreality until the results come in. What a load off my shoulders it is to have good news in the end!

Now to fix all this bullcrap and get home!

update, work, dad, cancer

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