heard of Imzy?

Aug 31, 2016 22:34

There is a new platform floating around, you might have heard about it. It's called Imzy and it's centred around communities and looks promising, IMHO.

Under the cut, the long winded explanations that have me think that in the future:

LJ or DW: stil my main place for interacting with friends I have had for a long time
Tumblr: look at the pretty
Imzy: community interactions on subjects/pairings/fandom/whatever. maaaaybe a bit of blogging in my own communities.

I have loved loved loved LJ for years, then later DW. I made such good friends, and still try to interact as best as I can with the ones left here. I don't want to go, in fact. I want to stay in contact with people here, and share on my blog here. But apart from my journal and the people I follow, I don't interact much. I wish the community side was more active, only a handful post from time to time.

Then Tumblr is very shiny, but I never EVER could make it work for me past that. Conversations (apart in the chat option) are nearly impossible. I see it as a way to consume fun content, but no interactions.

Imzy is kind of a tumblr/facebook, but for community content. You join communities, and then your feed gets to see those communities posts (like when LJ was alive!), and you can frigging COMMENT on those posts, and get replies to your comments. And maybe it's just because people are trying it out, but I joined some communities, and they are active, and it's great. I can go in a community for my favorite pairings, or cranky_old_fangirls, and see frigging active discussions on my favorites, characterization discussions, writing, beta offers, recc lists, polls, introductions, etc. And it's not just fandom, though that's what I joined. I know there are communities for all kinds of things too, from craft to food to animals to whatever. Finding like-minded people is so great ♥

I created an username as "gottalovev", and one as "lou", my reasoning being one was more fandom, and the other more personal. But then I floundered a bit because learning how things work over there was a bit of a headache at first. I made my own communities, which could be my blogs in fact (Adapt_Overcome linked to fandom and to gottalovev, Lou linked to lou for possibly more personal stuff). People could join my community, see my posts... but as I said, I have LJ and DW for that, not sure I'll use them much. But those other comms I joined on Imzy, the first time you comment in them you decide with which of your usernames you want to be known there if you have more than one, and off you go, talking to people. It's nice.

I have a shitload of Imzy invites (199 by communities), so I could ask for emails but that seems tedious for everyone with locked posts and all. So I'll just leave the links to my communities below, and if you are interested, request a membership on the page. I'll approve as fast as I can, and you can go explore once you register your own username.

Go either to Adapt_Overcome or Lou and fill in the form :) If you want to leave the community once you have your username, or decide it's not for you, it's not a problem at all.

Also, here are a couple of useful links to know more, and I see that
wenchpixie did something similar with much of the same links so I gather they are indeed useful :)

Emzy's FAQ post : as it says on the tin, basic info about what the site is and what it can do
An Emzy primer : what to do once you have your username, made easy
the basics, in pictures : to see what the platform looks like and the buttons/menus and what they do
a Imzy userguide: a well done user guide that might answer your questions
Coding by markdown: a cheat sheet to code your posts/comments, aka make them look pretty

Maybe see you there? say hi on my posts if you want!

This entry was originally posted here on DW, where it has
comments. Comment here or there

imzy, fandom is awesome, tumblr

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