Poetry? yes!

Jul 05, 2016 22:32

I write stories, but I am under no delusion about my talent as a wordsmith. I consider I do okay for a second language, anyway.

A literary genre I know little about is poetry, though I can admire beauty when I come across it. But write it myself? Very intimidating.

I was totally floored by a poem by my friend lab_jazz, and it came with a template that she totally transcended in my opinion. But since it came with instructions, sort of, I dared to try too. Mine is very verbose, oops.

Here it goes! It was a very nice writing exercise :)

"Where I’m From"

I am from a majestic river that widens as large as the sea
From where Ski Doos and a beer called la Maudite both appeared
I am from a brick bungalow, weathering winters that seem endless
And where autumn leaves smell sweet as they impress
I am from where buckets collecting sweetness morph to the sound of crickets
And we are specks in a land dotted waterfalls, streams and lakes

I am from big loud reunions on New Year's and Christmas Eve
And where red hairs can be seen on heads or beards
From Alice Lecours and Joseph Nadeau dit Lavigne ou La Soupe
And a whole generation that left the country for the city full of hope

I am from getting frequently overinvested in sports
And where spoiling children with books is a given
From stern warnings about no tongue on metal ever
And closing screen doors or else the bugs will eat you whole
I am from vigorously using Catholic terminology as swears words
And where accordions and violins still echo sounds of the past

I am from an island in a part of America that still speaks French
From juicy roast beef and the best pouding chômeur you'd ever taste
From bad decisions meaning too long exile where it never gets cold
And a godfather who truly worked for years near the North Pole

I am from keeping photo albums stacked in linen closets
Recording experiences of WWII on tiny cassettes
A notebook so full it's bursting with dates and names and names and dates
Of when and where each of us - and we are many - were born and loved and passed

I am from a from an old recipe book with measures without instruments
Accessory meals that are way better than the restaurant
That will soon make daydreams constructed in a cage come true

I am from where we proclaims 'Je me souviens' in white and blue

The “Where I’m From” Template
I am from (specific ordinary item)___________________________,
from (two product names)________________________ and________________________.
I am from the ________________________________________
_____________________ (home description... adjective, adjective, sensory detail).
I am from the ___________________________________________(plant, flower, natural item),
the ___________________________________________________(plant, flower, natural detail).
I am from _______________________________________________________(family tradition)
and _______________________________________________________________(family trait),
from _________________(name of family member) and ______________(another family name)
and ______________________(family name).
I am from the ______________________________________ (description of family tendency) and _____________________________________________________________ (another one).
From __________________________________________ (something you were told as a child) and _________________________________________________________________ (another).
I am from ____________________________________________________________________.
(representation of religion, or lack of it). Further description.
I'm from ____________________________ (place of birth and family ancestry), from
___________________ and ____________________ (two food items representing your family).
From the ________________________________________________________________ (specific family story about a specific person and detail),
(another detail about another family member).
I am from _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.(location of family pictures, mementos, archives and several more lines indicating their worth).

This entry was originally posted here on DW, where it has
comments. Comment here or there

meme, poetry

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