heard of Imzy?

Aug 31, 2016 22:34

There is a new platform floating around, you might have heard about it. It's called Imzy and it's centred around communities and looks promising, IMHO ( Read more... )

imzy, fandom is awesome, tumblr

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Comments 11

_profiterole_ September 1 2016, 12:59:07 UTC
C'est sûr que les communautés sur LJ, c'est un peu mort, et toute l'activité se trouve sur les journaux persos.

D'un autre côté, même si je compreds bien qu'Imzy est en version beta, le fait qu'absolument rien ne soit visible tant qu'on n'a pas créé un compte (même pas la FAQ) fait que mon intérêt reste limité pour l'instant. Par exemple, je lurke beaucoup sur Tumblr, et il n'y a pas assez de fois où j'ai envie de participer à une conversation pour faire l'effort de me créer un compte (et ensuite de l'entretenir en termes de contenu, ce qui n'est pas obligé, évidemment).


gottalovev September 1 2016, 22:01:03 UTC
j'avoue que j'ai joint sans trop explorer avant (lien d'une communauté) et j'avais pas réalisé que rien n'était visible...

Wow, donc les liens de mon post sont inaccessibles? (fait 2-3 tests) incroyable! définitivement pas assez transparent, je suis d'accord.

j'ai un tumblr, que j'utilise pratiquement pas... bon, reposter un peu, pas vraiment plus. Au niveau conversation, par contre: jamais arrivé. C'est tellement embêtant! le format s'y prête pas vraiment.

Imzy est beaucoup plus facile pour le niveau communauté, avec les commentaires et tout. Je ne sais pas quand ils vont sortir du mode beta, mais s'ils veulent des gens, il va falloir qu'ils montrent que leur plateforme est intéressante.


springwoof September 1 2016, 14:20:57 UTC
Sounds cool!
As you said, Tumblr is a pretty time waster, but interaction is difficult there. And I find it very frustrating to use!

I may check out Izzy. Thanks for being a pioneer!


gottalovev September 1 2016, 21:51:36 UTC
yeah, it's a shame that Tumblr is so bad for conversations, because it's so shiny. I've been frustrated beyond belief, which is why I latched to the alternative...

I'm always curious about those things... pioneer is a very nice way to say it though! lol!


springwoof September 1 2016, 16:24:14 UTC
Thanks for the invite! Interesting so far.

Do you want a signal boost of this post?


gottalovev September 1 2016, 21:53:16 UTC
my pleasure and hope to see you around and you find interesting comms for you over there!

I was offering on my LJ, but if you know people who would like invites, by all means redirect them to this, there are plenty to go around!


lab_jazz September 2 2016, 13:07:05 UTC
Hi Lou.
I clicked on your Lou link and filled in the form
Once I get my invite I'll check it out.



gottalovev September 5 2016, 00:44:12 UTC
I forwarded the request immediately and I saw it took a little time for you to get your invite, that was weird. I don't know if you looked around yet, and saw if it was for you or not! It was my pleasure to offer :)


lab_jazz September 5 2016, 01:42:42 UTC
Yep I did get the invite, and I've signed up. I might not have been on-line for a while after you forwarded the request which probably accounts for the time lag.

I haven't had much of a look around as yet but I will do.

As part of the joining up process I "friended" quite a few "communities".

Thanks for the invite


the_other_sandy September 4 2016, 20:28:00 UTC
The links you included for people who want to know more only work if you're already logged in to Imzy.

This is something a lot of sites are doing now that I find very irritating. How am I supposed to know if this platform is useful or appealing to me without being able to even see it? I have no interest in signing up for a site without knowing exactly what I'm signing up for.

P.S. -- I'm not irritated with you; I'm irritated with Imzy.


gottalovev September 5 2016, 00:50:16 UTC
When I did the post, I had not realized that. My friend above in comments told me so and I find that totally unacceptable too! come on! Very disappointing. In fact, I did a "Feature Request" demand to the Imzy comm so they rectify that if possible. It's been five minutes and the post is getting likes and comments that it would indeed be welcome. So yeah, let's see how they will react.

It's not normal that most comprehensive info I found for someone who isn't a member is an article (here), which in fact would have been great to read BEFORE I floundered around for a little bit...


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