Imzy take 2

Sep 04, 2016 21:29

It was brought to my attention that the links on Imzy and how it works on my previous post are visible to logged in user only. All that is visible are the TOS and Privacy policy. Not the FAQ or other useful posts.


I mentioned it to Imzy, we'll see if they change that.

I did find an article that gives the basics here, though! I wish I had read it before I poked around the website trying to understand it, it's pretty well done.

I'm still having fun over there. So the offer of invites at either to Adapt_Overcome or Lou stand. I do not keep track of the info submitted. In fact, if you join and don't comment on my post, I don't even see your new chosen name (you show at unnamed participant). I am cool with that! Or comment to say hi :)

By the way? I am not sure what is the etiquette to start talking to people there that I haven't interacted here or elsewhere for years. Are they glad we took different paths? Do they still want to be friends? (I still want to be friends!). So if you are on Imzy and see this? And want to say hi? Awesome :)

This entry was originally posted here on DW, where it has
comments. Comment here or there

imzy, fandom is awesome

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