Black Friday, Over

Nov 26, 2010 22:10

Yes, I did decide to get up bizarrely early today, but not as much as I might have. I passed on Target's sale in favor of sleeping another hour and going to less insane stores (I've had poor experiences at Target on BF). Kmart was a breeze, except that most of the clothes I hoped to get for my mother weren't there or weren't in her size. Got a couple though, and sailed through the cash-only line. When I got back in the car, the DJ was playing Root Boy Slim's 'Christmas At K-Mart'. Snerk. No luck for Mom at Modell's either, I'd like to get her something of Ray Rice but she doesn't wear t-shirts and jerseys are way out of my price range. In range, however, was a Ravens windbreaker, and I've been needing a light jacket as I don't have one. Then to Office Depot, where I got the last of the hard drives I was eying - cost more than Target's, but still way cheaper than usual and without the drama of Target. Picked up an assortment of stocking stuffers while there, then went home, picked up Mom and we went to Michael's in search of more stuffers. I actually managed to find some ornaments, which makes me happy. Then to breakfast, which was nearly disaster when we found out 2 of the restaurant's 3 cooks didn't bother showing up for work. Didn't take as long as they said to get our order though, and that may have been the best bacon I've ever had.

Hung around the house for a while hoping UPS would come for the Amazon return, but they didn't. So off to Elkridge for an extended gaming day, normally they start at 7 but this time it was noon and I was there by 3. Full house, as it turned out. Learned Metro (and nearly won it), got my first look at Dominion: Prosperity (and almost won that), taught Can't Stop and 10 Days in the Americas, and ate a lot of pie before giving a ride home to someone I never met before today. Turned out she lives less than a mile from me so I insisted I drive her instead of the host (it would be an hour round-trip for him, 3 minutes for me. He saw the logic :) ) And now winding down.

dominion, shopping, food, holidays, music, mom, ravens, computer, gaming, can't stop

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