Life just cycles around and around the same old bullshit without end and that is why I fear that after death we get stuck repeating shit we didn’t learn from and that just sounds like hell to me
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January!? then February and half of March and I STILL can't get my shit together to write a journal entry??? I know, I suck, right. But NOTHING ever happens, nothing of note anyway. (in an unrelated note, where the hell is autocorrect when I fucking need it
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A whole month went by and I didn't even realize it, how the hell does that happen? Oh wait, not paying attention to the calendar will do that, huh? In that month there have been so many MANY things, and stuff, and things, yeah
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no, I haven't been journaling and I said I would so I suck. It has been a difficult and painful Winter, pain making me take to my bed for a week, snow keeping me housebound for another week, cabin fever setting in and it isn't even March yet, holy hells is it over yet
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And yes, you have to say it "Pity Full" as that is the correct pronunciation. When we get up in the morning and Chessie hears us in the kitchen she will put one paw out the gap under the laundry door to let us know that she is awake as well and wants out. She never meows and only if stepped on will she make any noise at all, but she will go
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Tonight in class we read the book Pink and Say, a little kid book about Union soldiers in the Civil WarWar Between the StatesWar of Northern Aggression whatever, it is a very good book, it made us all cry in class, worth reading. (and actually I read it because Teacher said she couldn't read it without crying. I made it to the end but my voice
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I started my new job today, working in a little bookstore/deli/coffee shop. Eight plus hours on my feet and I think I might be d*e*d dead. Arthritis sucks, a LOT. My knees and ankles and hips and back and hands and shoulders are killing me, really, like bunches. Gah. But the job is fun and I got nice compliments from my new boss (manager of the
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