Mar 18, 2016 05:44
January!? then February and half of March and I STILL can't get my shit together to write a journal entry??? I know, I suck, right. But NOTHING ever happens, nothing of note anyway. (in an unrelated note, where the hell is autocorrect when I fucking need it?)
I suddenly find myself of an age where I read obituaries because 'just in case', and that is depressing. I am way too young for that shit right there lemme tell ya. Today a good friend passed, someone who was close with my sister that died. It reminds me that my brother with ALS is fading, like our oldest brother did, and I dread the call when that comes home to roost. And I take more fucking drugs a day than my mom, that also sucks. Somebody made a joke about the Xaralto ad the other day ( and it was a funny observation, I will grant that ) and I got a little het up because WTF dood, that shit keeps me alive ya bastard. I did not lambaste him, I just scrolled on, as most people are NOT capable of doing on FailBook.
I am in a writing group but um, well, let's just say my epic book of Dragon!Venka is not exactly their speed because they mostly write historical and biographical and kinda way more highfaluting stuff than I do, so, yeah. There is a gal that writes paranormal romance (w00t!) in there, she is sorta closer to my age and AND OMG she is working on the second of her series that is actually BEING PUBLISHED by a real publisher. So that is fun. We helped her write a blurb for her second book, and she was very complimentary about my suggestions and told me I should be doing that for a job. LOL as if writing blurbs for books is going to pay the rent. I explained that I don't get to have a job since being put on disability (because the guy advising the judge determined there is no job I can do from a recliner since that is where I spend the majority of my day, gah! I didn't add that part in Writer's Group though, *laugh*).
Chessie is still ruling the world as only a kitty can, she is going to be four this Summer, how the hell does THAT happen?
Mom. Well, she has been sick since last August with nobody-knows-what and is in a hellacious amount of pain, which sucks bigtime. She's feeling bad that I have delayed going to N'Awlins twice now (no Mardi Gras and then no April Trip) but I keep telling her I am here to be HERE with her, duh. Why are mom's so damn stubborn?
The good news for me is nothing new has happened since the diverticulitis last Autumn, so yay me! Not bad news is equal to good news.
And now my hands have cramped so I gotta stop typing. No Wonder I Feel Fucking Depressed!!! CAN'T WRITE, CAN'T TYPE. LIFE IS HELL.
But we are so much closer to Spring, snow moving in tonight says the weatherman (and my joints) but that is one snow closer to Summer.
psychology sucks,
stuff things whatnot and rambling