Back in June, thanks to keith418, I posted a link to Hara Estroff Marano's article "A Nation of Wimps" in the Nov/Dec 2004 issue of Psychology Today.
A closely related yet more humourous meme has been making the rounds; rather than adding the two-millionth copy of the same text to the web (most bloggers are such sheep), I will simply link to gentlemanj who pointed
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Ananda Metteya [Allan Bennett]. "The Training of the Mind." The Equinox. England: n.p., 1911. Vol. 1. No. 5. Ed. William Heidrick. electronic ed. Fairfax, CA: O.T.O., n.d. 28-59. (Instructions on meditation; explanation of karmic rebirth; access to past-life memory.)
While looking for something else, I found this: An Embarrassment: One Year as a Substitute Teacher by boomerpetway. Well written look at the sometimes sad state of modern American education from the other side of the desk. If you are a teacher (sororani you still in here?), or the owner/operator of a high-school student, it's worthwhile reading. If, OTOH, you are a
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Got a teenager, or are you between the ages of 16 and 25? If so, you might want to read this, assuminmg you have no interest in being actively recruited by the military, or simply don't want the Pentagon keeping track of you without notification.