More stoopit news

Oct 18, 2006 23:10

Hays, Tom. "7 plead guilty in corpse plundering scam." Associated Press, 2006-10-18.
"Rest in peace with the rest in pieces." -Eat, "Fist", Epicure, 1994.
Walters, Patrick. "Coffins to bear logos of baseball teams." Associated Press, 2006-10-18.
Not to mention NFL, NHL, NASCAR.... I can almost understand it on urns, but coffins? WTF? Um, you are going to bury that, right? Underground? Right?
[unattributed]. "Not it! Mass. elementary school bans tag." Associated Press, 2006-10-18.
Perhaps if we were to package all children thoroughly with bubble wrap over kevlar vests, we'd finally be able to produce the nice, safe, timid, ineffectual, useless consumer sheep we've been looking for. Fucking breeders.

kids, read

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