Vatican News

Oct 15, 2006 14:55

In which your Humble Narrator continues to be amused by Papal antics.

Cooperman, Alan. "Pope Poised To Revive Latin Mass, Official Says." Wahington Post, 2006-10-13, A03.
Well, Mel Gibson will probably be happy about it.
Jeffries, Stuart. "If you feel a commotion beneath your feet today, that'll be gazillions of unbaptised children moving out of Limbo." Guardian Unlimited, 2006-10-06.
Evidently, Papa Bennie is getting set to dispense with the idea of the limbus infantium, the verion of limbo probably inspired more by Dante than by the Bible, where it is (was?) supposed that unbaptized children are sent after death since their original sin has been held to bar them admittence to the direct presence of YHVH pervading Heaven. Big up the Pope for realizing that the whole idea is ridiculous, and unnecessary to either Catholic mythology or metaphysics.


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