Yesterday, I spent a lot of the day at work on learning events; a course on designing towns with women and girls in the morning, and then a photography course in the afternoon. We did a bit of a walk around and put into practise some of the skills we'd discussed, like using the grid option on the phone camera to help keep photos straight; I liked this picture I got (it's at part of the old London Wall).
I got a couple of shots in Trafalgar Square before meeting up with family:
This guy was standing there, so this was my entry for the
photo_scavenger "stand" prompt.
We went to a Q&A session with some of the cast of the UK Ghosts; we started off with dinner at the Crypt cafe, but everyone got turfed out at 6 because of some event, so we had to kill time for a little while, and ended up getting to the theatre early. The event was in Drury Lane Theatre, which apparently is also the most haunted theatre in London (I've been told about disembodied legs on the stairs).
On to today; I've been trying to put my problems into perspective, and trying to look at them in a different way, my usual issues on walks like being stuck behind slow walkers, forcing me to slow down myself. I'm not really sure how to see this in a different way, except that it forces me to stop and look at what's around me.
I've also been trying to get around my other issues; finding the road at the start impossible to cross because of the traffic was easily solved by seeking out a pelican crossing nearby.
The walk didn't go too badly, and I managed a stop at a cafe to get coffee. Because it's nearly Halloween they had a "pumpkin patch" event so people were walking around with big pumpkins in wheelbarrows. I sat outside the cafe, and this bought up another potential issue; whether we'd be allowed to sit outside with our own food when I lead the walk for real (an easy fix will be to e-mail the cafe and find out).
I spotted this house while on my walk.
Graffiti shot.
I liked this picture too.
Back home, I discussed a recurring problem with the communal back door being really difficult to open due to the mechanism often blocking our keys, meaning we have to go around to the front sometimes. Another issue I should probably try to find a new perspective on; maybe that's its not a major issue as far as the bigger picture is concerned, but regardless we need to get something practical done about it.
On Strava, I've now completed the Shokz x parkrun Happy Birthday Challenge, and climbed 1,645m for the October Running Elevation Challenge.