The best kind of present

Feb 09, 2017 16:51

I'd spent quite a bit of time recently working on a piece of art which was to be a present for hobbitblue. I'd decided to take an black and white ink drawing that she'd done and add colour to it. This was her original piece:

It took me much much longer than I thought it would but I think the finished result is worth it. And it really shows the amount of hours that I spent on it too. Are you ready for this? Prepare to be stunned.

Click for a larger image to admire it properly or click here if you can't see the above image
It took me a while to decide on the colours for the background, I was going to go for a brighter sunny day but I think the summer dusky twilight works better. I am particularly pleased with how the butterflies and the berries came out. I might go as far as to say I've not done a bad job there at all! ;)

deviantart, blue, in which nathaniel is arty

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