Der jeg går å snakke norsk igjen!

Feb 03, 2017 16:59

The Norwegian course continues! It's proving to be quite enjoyable although a lot of hard work as well. This is actually the third week, I missed posting last week, so there's two weeks worth of content here.

I like how the videos show what daily life is like in Norway, even including things like what people usually eat for breakfast, taking public transport and walking round the park. I find these cultural differences interesting! In the video showing breakfast, they had yoghurt spooned onto a plate and topped with nuts, rolled oats and fresh blueberries. This was followed with a slice of walnut bread which sounds interesting! They also had a fruit smoothie and tea. This was a typical Norwegian breakfast apparently, although they also have bread with meat, fish or cheese. Cereal isn't eaten at all, except for muesli. Another video showed one of the students with a wrapped sandwich and it said that the majority of Norwegians will take a packed lunch to work, school, etc. either in a lunchbox or wrapped in greaseproof paper. That's similar to the way it is in the UK.

We learnt how to tell the time, which is similar to Dutch where the reference point is the half hour, rather than the hour. So klokka åtte is eight o'clock and klokka er halv ni is half past eight (literally a half to nine). Ten past eight is klokka ti over åtte but twenty past eight is klokka ti på halv ni (literally ten to halfway to nine!) We've also learnt how to say how long ago you did something, particularly how long we've been learning Norwegian and when we last had coffee! - Jeg har begynt de kurset for tre uker siden. Jeg har drukket kaffe for tre og en halv timer siden. We've also learnt how to count from one to a hundred. I can remember one to ten quite easily, I keep forgetting eleven, thirteen and twenty. Twenty is tjeu and the pronunciation is rather tricky so I think that's causing the problems. I wasn't sure if the higher numbers would be in the same order as they are in English or maybe more like in German, I was prepared for either! As it is, they're in the same order as in English so tjueen is twenty-one, rather than one-and-twenty.

There's been lots of questions. We had to make up questions asking how someone was doing with various things, and also answer what we'd had to eat today.
Er det vanskelig å studere jus? Hvordan liker du været? Har du pakket ut alle bøkene dine? Klarer du å løpe mange runden rundt vannet? Har du kjøpt billett til konserten neste lørdag?
Jeg har bare hatt middag. Jeg har spist pølser, potetmos, løk, og bønner med tomatsaus.
We also had to inflect our favourite nouns! I wasn't overly sure I had a favourite noun or what it might be so that was tricky. I just picked three, trying to go for one of each gender so I chose ei eplekake, en jerv, et stikkelsbær.
We also had to write some text about our morning routine, starting with 'Jeg er sulten…', then what our plans were for later and what we liked doing with our friends. After learning the past tense, we had to write a little bit about what we did yesterday.
Jeg er sulten. Det er kaldt, så jeg bestemme meg for å spise grøt til frokost. Først må jeg vaske og sette på varme klær. Etter frokost, jeg å pusser meg tennene.
Jeg lagde et bilde for min venn på min pc. Først må jeg utskrift den. Da skal jeg gå til postkontoret og post det. Etterpå jeg skal spøre henne hvis hun liker det.
Jeg liker å besøke min venn på huset hennes. Vi snakker om kunst og bøker, drikke en kopp kaffe og spise kake.
Gårsdagen, støvsugd jeg. Etterpå studerte jeg norsk og deretter skrev jeg et brev til min venn.

It's the last week next week, which has rather taken me by surprise. I know it's only four weeks, but it seems like I've only done two!

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