Ha det bra!

Feb 12, 2017 13:16

This is the last week of the Norwegian course so a lot of it is recapping what we've learned in the previous weeks. There was some new information this week, mainly about sets of words with similar meanings. The first was the verbs gå and dra, both of which mean 'to go'. However gå is only used when walking and dra is used for all other modes of transport. So Jeg gå til London would mean you were going to London with the inference that you were walking there! Jeg dra til London therefore means you're travelling to London by some unspecified mode of transport. The other set of words were adverbs, one of which was used if something is happening in a location and the other for when something is moving in the direction of that place. So while hjem and hjemme both mean 'home', you'd have Jeg dra hjem. Føl deg som hjemme! (I'm going home. Make yourself at home!)

There's more of daily life shown in the videos including some vital knowledge. One of the students is having trouble with her student account so she goes to ask for help. So now I can talk about computer stuff in Norwegian! Logging on is logge inn and password is passord. I think I can manage that!

There is a party taking place so some of the students go to Grønland to buy groceries. That's a part of Oslo which is very multi-cultural so it's interesting to see what that's like. They buy a lot of vegetables to make a pizza because most Norwegians eat frozen pizza rather than a freshly made kind. There must not be much in the way of pizza shops there! Dominos or Pizza Hut would make a fortune! During the preparation for the party, I got to learn how to make guacamole in Norwegian and lots of important vocabulary, such as å sette plast over (cover with cling film), å dekke bordet (set the table), setter inn i kjøleskapet (put in the fridge) and å lage mitt eget øl (make my own beer). Apparently the latter is because beer in Norway is so expensive.

We've had to say what sort of things we do every week and what we bought when we last went to the supermarket, if we like spicy food and if we usually ate it.
Jeg pleier å spill videospill i helgene.
Den siste gangen jeg var i en butikk jeg kjøpte en ny brødrister!
Jeg liker ikke veldig sterk mat, en liten mengde krydder er fint. Jeg pleier å spise gulasj med melboller i vinter. Noen ganger har jeg karri eller chilli.
We had to admit what our neighbours thought of us, using indirect speech!
Han sier at jeg er klok og han har la alltid meg ferdig hans kryssord. Han sier at han liker gjerne min bakverk!
We also had to say what we thought Norway was like.
Jeg tror Norge er et land med mange friske mennesker, friluftsliv, utendørs aktiviteter for eksempel turgåing og langrenn, og mange guder!

So that's that course finished, another one to add to my growing list of MOOCs. I think it's been one of the better ones. Next up is the Archaeology: From Dig To Lab and Beyond course in March but that's only two weeks long.

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