Busy busy busy

Aug 05, 2010 20:28

I've had quite a busy week so far. Although I didn't leave the house on Monday and Tuesday, I was still very busy. I've made a start on giving my website a seriously overdue update but at the same time, I'm also overhauling a lot of it. The bulk of it involves tidying up the navigation so that it's organised better but I'm also changing the layouts of the photo gallery to make them nice and shiny. Basically I spent those two days buried up to my eyeballs in CSS, followed by a vigorous GIMP session. Oo-er.

On Wednesday, I had a fit of madness and took my mother down to Ikea. She'd been trying to find a decent pepper mill and failing miserably, and then she decided she wanted some new cushions for the living room. I needed a new cushion too as the one I've been using is completely flat and refuses to re-plump, plus I wanted some new glasses and a new cup as I've just had two get broken. We arrived bang on 11am and left some 2½ hours later and about £40 lighter! And that wasn't including the half an hour we spent in the restaurant. Although we didn't have much there as the only thing on their menu that I could eat was the soup. Luckily it was tomato and basil or my dinner would have been just tea and apple cake. Not that that would have been a bad thing... I didn't manage to get a cup but I got two Pokal glasses (I've always known them as Boston tumblers) for 49p each which was very bargainous. There was a really nice funky cushion cover so I ended up getting that, although it meant having to buy the inner cushion as well so it cost more than I had intended. The cover is bright and cheerful though (and I don't care that it has flowers on, a disconcerting amount of pink or does not go with my bedroom in the slightest) and the cushion is very comfortable. It's actually a support pillow for when you're sitting up in bed relaxing or something like that which is pretty much what I'd be using it for. Well, if you substitute reading and playing on my DS for relaxing. On the way home, we took a detour to Matalan and Sainsbury's so I could get a cup but Matalan had got rid of their individual cups and Sainsbury's choice was very small and very blah. Annoyingly, when we did get home, I got jumped on by a splitting headache. Not exactly the way I wanted to end the day really, although I did get to try out my new cushion.

This morning, I went off to Aldi to buy a couple of fruit bushes. My aunt gave us two tomato plants a couple of weeks ago which seem to have given my mother an interest in growing fruit and veg. The latest Aldi catalogue thingy said that they would have fruit bushes from August 5th so my mother marked off a blueberry bush and a red gooseberry one too. Red gooseberries are a new one on me so I hope they're nice! While I was there, I had a look round the rest of the shop to see if there was anything else of interest and came out having spent £17. *sigh* My sister arrived later on and we all went off down to Frankie & Benny's for dinner. It was sort of to commemorate my Grandma's birthday as she would have been 99 on Sunday. Once we'd eaten our fill, my mother suggested having a look at some of the shops there for a new cup. We went into three different shops. My sister got a new bedset, my mother got new stuff for the bathroom and I got nothing! All the cups were either tiny, very feminine or plain and boring. The cup I did have is this one; I got it as a present (with an Easter egg in) about 6 or 7 years ago, and it has a picture of Buffy with the quote, 'I have a strategy, you're not in it'. I don't like Buffy but the quote amuses me and besides it was a decent sized cup. Then it got dropped and the handle broke off. My mother got me a replacement but two weeks later, that got dropped and there's a crack right where I drink. Thinking about it, maybe I should get two cups. Or maybe one of those military type enamel ones.

mother, green-fingeredness, apple, my website

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