Icon meme

Aug 09, 2010 13:55

slammerkinbabe posted this meme a couple of days ago and I willingly jumped into it with both feet so these are the icons she chose for me to write about.

- Reply to this post with the word ICONS! and I will pick six of your icons
- Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts
- This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

This is my 'Slytherins crush bugs' icon; it's probably one of my more bizarre icons because it's kind of an in-joke. It was made primarily for use in the sorting__hat community: a Harry Potter comm (as you can probably tell by the name) where the members are sorted into the appropriate House and then earn points by taking part in various challenges. Although Harry Potter canon says that the Gryffindors and Slytherins are enemies, it hasn't worked out that way at all in the comm and the animosity has been concentrated between the Slytherins and the Hufflepuffs! It was mostly due to the 'Puffs having more members (around 20 or so at the height of things) which got them more points and the half a dozen Slytherins didn't like being beaten. To show defiance, one of the Slytherins - unfortunately I can't remember who - made up a couple of static icons which I then animated and this is the result. It was one of my first animated icons so I'm quite proud of that. The 'bugs' that are referred to in the icon are the 'Puffs, being as how yellow and black stripes look like certain insects and also because they are inferior to the Slytherins. Which we proved by beating them on a regular basis.

This is my OTP icon (for those of you who don't know, OTP is a fandom term meaning One True Pairing and shows what characters you ship [put together romantically] ) and the OTP in this case is me and Michael. It's also Harry Potter themed as the dollmaker I used to make the images of me and Michael had Harry Potter robes, so Michael is dressed in Gryffindor colours and I'm in Slytherin ones. Our names on the left-hand side are in Lumos which is the font used in the American books for the chapter titles. I suppose it's kind of ironic that Kylie picked this because it's one of the icons I need to replace and I made a bit of a start on that a couple of days ago. I'm going to make a Ryan Stiles/Colin Mochrie icon instead.

I'd been looking for a Doctor Who themed writing icon for a while when I happened to see someone else using this one in the doctorwho community. It amused me so much, I just had to have it. I like Peanuts a lot and I love how Snoopy sits on top of his kennel typing away so the image of the Doctor doing the same thing is brilliant.
Credit: jigglykat

This is actually another icon made for the sorting__hat community with another community in-joke! As the comm is based on Hogwarts, the mods are Staff but it also has Prefects for each House and a Head Boy and Head Girl. Or Head Goldfish, if you preferred. After I did a stint as Head Boy, I got promoted to Staff. My proper title was Official Caretaker of the Communities, but I ended up being known as polkadotsquared and cyn_ful's Pet Goldfish. rawtoast made icons for all of the Staff, Head Boy/Girl and Prefects so this is the one she made for me.

I took part in NaNoWriMo in 2005 and made up an icon to use in the nanowrimo community. I used the static participant image initially, but when I won, I combined it with the winner image to make this animated icon. For some reason I joined the NaNo comm with this journal rather than my writing one, which is why I have a NaNo icon on here in the first place. I haven't taken part in NaNoWriMo since so it's not really been used.

I love redscharlach's icons, they are just brilliant. She made a huge batch of New Who icons after Series 4 but it seemed to me that there were two very important ones missing, namely a naked 10.5 and a Ten/sonic screwdriver. I wasn't sure if the latter would be possible as the screwdriver would have to be quite small but she liked my suggestions and made them for me. They're both brilliant and the Ten/sonic screwdriver icon very quickly became my geeky icon. It makes me smile everytime I use it, because it is incredibly cute and it also reminds me of how much Ten loved his screwdriver!

So those are my icons as picked by Kylie. I'm feeling generous so if any of you want to know about other icons of mine that she didn't pick, feel free to ask in a comment. And now it's your turn to continue the meme. Go!


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