Good stuff

Mar 18, 2009 20:24

I had to go into town for a couple of things today, one of which was to return a bag that I'd bought from TopMan. I've been after a old-school type leather satchel for years and actually managed to find a website that sells them. For £50. However, while I was in TopMan last week - I have no idea what I was doing in there, I must have wandered in off the street for a laugh or something - I'd seen that they had that exact thing in there but for £35! Retro is all the rage at the moment, apparently, but I thought it was 80s retro. Anyway! When I got it home, I found out that it's made of plastic, not leather, and the buckles on the front were just for show because it actually fastens with press studs. (It's not on their website for some reason so I can't show you a picture.) Not at all what I wanted, I wanted a proper leather one with buckles that will last a hell of a lot longer than a plastic one with press studs! So I returned it, with a little niggling worry that they might not let me have a refund, but thankfully they did. And I got a proper leather fastens-with-buckles one on eBay last night for £16 + £6 postage.

While I was in town, I happened to walk past Jessops where I'd got my camera a few years ago. I thought I'd nip in while I was there because the battery isn't keeping its charge and I wanted to see if it was possible to get a new one. There was only one sales assistant there and he was busy with a grey haired bloke who must have been in his 60s at least. I stood by the counter and waited till he was done and was amused by what happened. The customer was buying a new camera so the sales assistant was running through the various accessories with him. When he mentioned the 3 year warranty, the customer interrupted him and said that he wasn't interested. The sales assistant seemed a bit surprised by this, but the customer said that it wasn't necessary in today's 'throw-away society'. Just then another sales assistant came out of the back and asked me if I was being served. I said I wasn't, and then said that I'd got a camera there 4 or 5 years ago and wanted to know if it was possible to get a new battery for it because I didn't want to buy a new camera needlessly. Ha! Throw-away society, my arse. Has he not heard of the environment?

ebay - it's made of evil, funny

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