Batteries not included

Mar 23, 2009 19:50

I've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new bag and my new camera battery. I got notification from both that they'd been posted out to me on Friday and the bag has arrived but the camera battery hasn't! I can't take any photos of my new bag until I get my new battery. The bag came from Glasgow and arrived on Saturday so I was expecting the battery would arrive this morning but it didn't. Where is my battery?!

Earlier on I went onto eBay to leave feedback about the bag but there's a note in My eBay saying that the seller is no longer registered. I'm a bit baffled by that, I have no idea what's happened there but I'm really glad that my bag has already arrived! I know that I'd be able to claim if it didn't turn up but it's a load of hassle. So I can't leave any feedback but more annoyingly, I won't get any either. My turquoise star will remain as far away as it was before the auction.

Hopefully my new camera battery will arrive tomorrow so I can take photos of my new bag because I know you're all desperate to see it. Well, I know zedsterthemyuu is at least. In the meantime I will get back to writing up the last of my post about Michael's trip over here and deciding which of the 300 photos I took I will be posting for your delectation.

Random question, should I worry if I'm starting to have thoughts about writing Doctor Who fanfic?

writing, ebay - it's made of evil

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