To do list item #1: Make list

Mar 16, 2009 21:49

It's amazing how much work I can get done when I don't have to read 150 e-mails and/or schlep up and down the country. Especially as I'm only contracted to a certain very small amount of hours in a week. I actually did over 20 hours extra in the week before last thanks to doing all the anti-homophobic bullying workshops. Anyway, I do not have any plans to go anywhere for the next two weeks and it's really nice! It means that I get to stay at home and work hard on the website which I've been given a complete overhaul for the past few months. I actually managed to do an entire page this morning. It doesn't sound a lot, but I do code by hand which obviously takes longer than using some fancypants software that does it for you.

Hopefully, I will also be able to finish off the posts I've been doing about the month that Michael spent here with me. I'm doing a post per week the way I usually do it when I'm in Boston and I've nearly finished the third one. I know some people are still impatient to read what we got up to but I'm trying my hardest to get them up soon. I still need to do a photo post, but somehow I managed to take nearly 300 photos despite that fact that I live here. Michael managed to take about that many too! That's a hell of a lot of photos to wade through and narrow down to a reasonable amount to post for you lot to see. So, yes, I've not forgotten about the posts, honestly! I've just not had a great deal of time lately to do them. Maybe once I get that out of the way, I can make a start on updating my website which hasn't been touched for a year at least. Busy busy busy, that's me.

Oh, and a random good thing just to finish off. I've seen a couple of teasers for the new Red Dwarf episodes that are coming our way in April. I saw the first one over the weekend and there was one on earlier on tonight too. I know it's still nearly four weeks off but omg more RD! Squee!

i get paid for this?!, michael's world tour of england

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