9 to 5

Oct 12, 2008 21:15

Don't wanna go to work tomorrow. I wish I knew how much longer I was going to be doing this sucky temp placement, though there has been some discussion about the person I'm covering for. Ze's off sick and the sick note runs out next week so maybe ze'll come back. Oooo, flying pig...

Anyway. I was thinking about this earlier on and how this was not the kind of job I wanted to do when I was a kid. Apart from wanting to be a writer, which I've wanted to do since I was old enough to realise that people actually wrote books for a living, I have also wanted to be an actor, a kennelmaid in the army, a pilot in the air force and work in a shop. Obviously a tiny little part of me was realistic, but retail? Really, little Nathaniel, you could do so much better.

So seeing as it's a Sunday and most people are going to be back at work tomorrow, let's have some fun. What job did you want have when you were a kid and what do you actually do now? Are you one of those lucky people who knew exactly what you wanted to be and have you actually managed to do it? Or are you still trying to work it out?

i get paid for this?!, getting to know you...

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