Give me an oy

Oct 13, 2008 21:12

Being Jewish is coming in handy at work. At least for the people there who aren't Jewish. A colleague in the purchasing department asked me today if there was a Jewish holiday or something because he was trying to get in touch with a supplier in Israel and getting lots of 'Out of Office' type responses. Israel is only an hour ahead of us but at this time it would have been about noon-ish there. The only thing I could think of was Sukkot which started tonight and lasts a week.

Anyway, this lead to the colleague saying that he was considering converting to Judaism with all the holidays that there are at the moment. It's Jewish boot camp right about now, though after this, that's pretty much it till Chanuka. My colleague started to add something about how he would convert if it wasn't for the .. and then got interrupted so I never found out what was holding him back. I have the feeling it might have been something to do with a certain requirement for Jewish males... If that's the case, I'm glad there was the interruption before I got asked about it. It's not really something I have a lot of personal experience in.

jewish, funny

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