Seasons Greetings

Oct 09, 2008 19:10

I don't believe it but I've just seen my first Christmas-themed advert on TV. It was for Disneyland Paris of all things too. Eugh. It's far too early. Go away. Seriously. As if it's not bad enough that there have been a couple of mentions at work about Christmas over the past fortnight or so. There was a discussion over the purchasing of a tree for the office when it wasn't even October! Grrr.

There's just 10 minutes left of my fast and I'm pleased to report that I've not yet starved to death. It hasn't been so bad this year. I've not done a great deal but I've tried to keep busy and that's helped. It's not been easy, I seem to have been quite easily distracted today for some reason. I felt a bit hungry about noon but only briefly. Then when it got closer to 4pm and I could smell cooking in the house, I began to feel really hungry and my stomach was complaining. It's only just now that I'm starting to feel really tired and a bit light-headed so that was good timing! There are bagels in the kitchen and I'm debating whether to have scrambled eggs with them or just Philadelphia. It depends what I feel like making I suppose! I think I might have to go and investigate the contents on the fridge.


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